Watch unlucky pug trip and fall face first into log
He was trying to copy a fellow canine when he fell

We feel this pug’s pain.
This is the moment that Oscar the dog took an unfortunate tumble and fell face first into a tree trunk.
He was out on a walk with his owner in the British countryside when the incident happened.
Poor old Oscar was trying to jump over the fallen tree stump in the woods but spectacularly failed to clear it with his faceplant.
In a (hilarious) video captured by his owner, the unlucky pug attempts to copy his fellow canine Ozzy and gracefully leap over the fallen tree.
Luckily, Oscar managed to pick himself up and shake it off and walk off as if nothing had happened.
According to Oscar’s owner, "No pugs were harmed in the making of this movie (only his pride)."
He might not win anything at Crufts but Oscar is a winner for his epic faceplant.
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