Traffic charge 'is unfair to the poor'
An influential committee of MPs has criticised the congestion charge scheme to be launched in London next week, warning against similar projects being adopted elsewhere in Britain.
The Transport Select Committee, in a report published today, backs attempts to cut congestion in British cities but raises serious concerns about the precise scheme chosen by London's Mayor, Ken Livingstone, and the impact it might have on Londoners.
The report says the London scheme disadvantages the poor, could lead to problems elsewhere on the road network and does not have the benefit of a pilot study to iron out "teething problems".
Gwyneth Dunwoody, the committee chair, said: "Although we support the Mayor's objectives, we are concerned about the way the scheme is implemented and the systems which support it."
The report calls on the Mayor to minimise the "pain" of the charge. Future schemes are urged to resist schemes that "merely displace traffic", moving the problem from one place to another.
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