Tony Blair’s apologies over Iraq War are ‘spin operation’ ahead of Chilcot Inquiry report, says Nicola Sturgeon

The First Minister says the delay to Sir John Chilcot’s review being released is a ‘scandal’

Adam Withnall
Sunday 25 October 2015 11:03 GMT
Tony Blair said he apologised for the some of the mistakes that were made
Tony Blair said he apologised for the some of the mistakes that were made

Nicola Sturgeon has hit out at Tony Blair over his apology for “mistakes” that led to the Iraq War.

The Scottish First Minister accused Mr Blair of conducting a “spin operation” now that the long-awaited Chilcot Inquiry is believed to be close to publication.

It was reported on Thursday that Sir John Chilcot, who began his work reviewing Britain’s decision to invade Iraq in 2009, was about to write to David Cameron with a timetable for his report.

Nicola Sturgeon at the SNP conference earlier this month

 Nicola Sturgeon at the SNP conference earlier this month

And just two days later, Mr Blair gave an interview with CNN in which he apologised for “some of the mistakes in the planning and, certainly, our mistake in our understanding of what would happen once you removed the regime”.

Writing on Twitter, Ms Sturgeon said: “The Blair spin operation begins but the country still awaits the truth. The delay to Chilcot report is a scandal.”

David Cameron has faced criticism over the length of time it has taken to release the findings of the Iraq Inquiry. The Prime Minister has repeatedly said it would be wrong for him to intervene in an independent inquiry.

Mr Blair’s comments to CNN were the first time he has said sorry in any capacity for the UK’s involvement in Iraq. In 2007, he was quoted as saying: “I don’t think we should be apologising at all for what we are doing in Iraq.”

Asked by the US broadcaster if the Iraq War led to the rise of Isis, the militant group which now controls territories across northern Syria and Iraq, Mr Blair appeared to agree.

He said: “I think there are elements of truth in that. Of course, you can’t say those of us who removed Saddam in 2003 bear no responsibility for the situation in 2015.”

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