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Say cheese! Lemur takes a selfie at London Zoo

Bekily the ring-tailed lemur snatched the camera from his keeper to capture the shots

Antonia Molloy
Friday 07 March 2014 10:35 GMT
Bekily holds the camera in outstretched arms and strikes a pose
Bekily holds the camera in outstretched arms and strikes a pose (PA)

In the bid to win the prize for the most original selfie we’ve had the belfie (read: Kim Kardashian’s bottom), the welfie (that oh-so-smug post-gym shot), the drelfie (a selfie taken while drunk) and now… the lemur selfie.

That’s right: Bekily, a 12-year-old male ring-tailed lemur, has been getting in on the on-going craze by posing for candid snaps at ZSL London Zoo.

Grabbing the camera from keeper Tegan McPhail during feeding time, the mischievous lemur decided to give Ellen DeGeneres a run for her money.

Keeper Tegan said: “We’re always taking quick pictures of the animals we look after - as with workmates this cute, it’s hard to resist - but Bekily definitely wanted to get in on the action himself this time.

 “As I was snapping away, he grabbed the camera lens and pulled it towards his own face. It took him a few attempts but he got a great profile picture in the end.

Bekily took a series of shots
Bekily took a series of shots (ZSL London Zoo/ PA)

“I doubt we’ll be entering his pictures into photography competitions anytime soon; however I think he did a pretty good job!”

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