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New Year Honours: Order of The Bath

Tuesday 31 December 2002 01:00 GMT

Knight Commander (KCB)

Crisp, Edmund Nigel Ramsay, Chief exec, Dept of Health and National Health Service.

Loughran, Gerald Finbar, Lately hd, Northern Ireland Civil Service.

Janvrin, The Right Hon Sir Robin Berry, KCVO, CB, For serv as HM The Queen's private sec, including the Golden Jubilee Celebrations.

Companion (CB)

Barker, John Alan, Dir, Recruitment and Development, Cabinet Office. Hartnett, David Anthony, Policy and Technical dir gen, Inland Revenue. Hemming, Martin John, Dir, Defence Advisory Division, Treas Solicitor's Dept. Keddie, Alistair William Carnegie, Lately Acting dir gen, Innovation Group, Dept of Trade and Indust. Kidgell, John Earle, Lately hd, Economic Statistics Dirate, Office for National Statistics. Makeham, Peter Derek James, Dir gen, Finance and Analytical Services, Dept for Educ and Skills. Mason, Prof Paul James, FRS, Lately ch Scientist, Meteorological Office. Podger, Geoffrey John Freeman, Chief exec, Food Standards Agency. Stewart, Gillian, Lately hd, Children and Young People's Group, Scottish exec. Storey, Maurice, Chief exec, Maritime and Coastguard Agency, Dept for Transport. Walker, Mrs Anna, Dir gen, Land Use and Rural Affairs, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. White, Kevin Charles Gordon, Group dir, Human Resources, Dept for Work and Pensions. Williams, Michael Lodwig, Chief exec, Debt Management Office, HM Treas.

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