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Average person takes 38 seconds to judge someone's home, research finds

But three in ten won't tell the owner their true opinion

Rob Knight
Wednesday 23 October 2019 12:05 BST

It will take people just 38 seconds to judge someone’s home and they will notice if you have vacuumed, if your windows are dirty and if there is a "funny" smell, according to a new poll.

First impressions count with three quarters of the 2,000 adults surveyed, admitting they always form an opinion on the dwellings of others.

As well as making a mental note if the washing-up has not been done, they will also look at what books are on the shelf and if the ornaments are dusty.

However, three in 10 would not tell their host what they really think of their homes.

The survey also found six in 10 consider themselves to be house proud, with half worrying what others think of their dwellings.

“Our homes are of course very personal to us and in many ways are a representation of our style," said a spokesman for the Independent Network powered by VEKA, which commisioned the research. “So there is a sense when we have visitors over that we are leaving ourselves open to criticism and judgement.

“But people shouldn’t be apprehensive about what others may or may not think - ultimately it’s the opinion of the homeowners themselves which is most important.”

However, this has not stopped a fifth from checking for dust upon visiting the home of a friend, family member or colleague, while a fifth said they had also "helped out" by adjusting any wonky pictures or reorganising ornaments.

As a result, respondents felt the pressure when having guests over with 86 per cent giving the house a "major" clean before anyone arrives.

If the visit is arranged at short notice, 50 per cent said they would give their home a quick vacuum, while 48 per cent would hide any clutter in cupboards.

Six in 10 also revealed they are likely to make an extra special effort if their guest is a first-time visitor.

A quarter will buy new candles or air fresheners, 23 per cent said they would purchase flowers and three in 10 would splash out on fancy food and drink.

More than one in 10 would keep areas of the home completely off limits until their guests have arrived and a fifth would clean the windows, with seven in 10 believing good quality, clean windows are important to the overall aesthetic of a home.

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It also emerged six in 10 respondents considered themselves to be a good judge when it comes to other people’s homes.

The interior of a home is likely to be judged the most (42 per cent), however 36 per cent will form an opinion of a home inside and out and of all the areas in a house, but it is the living room (33 per cent) which most judgement is reserved for.

Three quarters had however, later changed their opinion of someone’s home.


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