Hackney council introduces ‘anti-pee’ walls the repel water soaking the offender in their own urine

The location of the walls has not been revealed

Emma Henderson
Thursday 17 December 2015 15:07 GMT
Hackney council spends £100,000 a year washing urine off walls and pavements
Hackney council spends £100,000 a year washing urine off walls and pavements (Hackney Council )

A wall designed to soak anyone who tries to urinate on it is being trialled by a London borough council.

The council has painted hot spots with a special liquid which means urine will effectively “bounce back”, soaking the offenders shoes and trousers.

The coating has been designed to stop urine soaking into building walls, which reduces stains and smells.

The location of the walls has not been revealed, but one is in Shoreditch and the other is in Dalston.

It is being trialled over Christmas to try and stop drunken revellers weeing in the street and has already been used in San Francisco.

Hackney council spends £100,000 a year washing urine off walls and pavements and they have fined more than 500 people in 2015 for public urination, three times more than last year.

Councillor Feryal Demirci, cabinet member for neighbourhoods said: “Think about the people living nearby. No one wants someone weeing on their own doorstep.

If the prospect of a fine doesn’t put them off from weeing in the street, maybe the risk of getting covered in urine will.”

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