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Chief Rabbi warns of rise in anti-Semitism

Tim Moynihan
Friday 01 March 2002 01:00 GMT

The Chief Rabbi warned last night that incidents of anti-Semitism are rising.

Rabbi Professor Jonathan Sacks said in a lecture to peers and MPs in London that the phenomenon was on the rise once more – particularly since 11 September – and "someone has to sound an early warning.

"We have engaged throughout Europe for the past half century in one of the most intensive education campaigns in all history – Holocaust education, interfaith dialogue, conferences on racism – and now we are seeing it return, despite everything," he said.

"That suggests to me that the virus of anti-Semitism has found a way through our immune systems. I have to sound a warning so that other leading figures in British life can sound a warning also." Professor Sacks said he was receiving calls from Jewish students throughout the country with stories of verbal and physical abuse, arising from extremist activity against the Jews.

"They are telling me they feel a very real sense of fear," he said. "Words lead to deeds and hate to violence. Someone has to sound an early warning."

The murder of the American journalist Daniel Pearl, abducted in Pakistan, was an example of an anti-Jewish incident, he said. He was forced to confess he and his family were Jewish.

Professor Sacks was speaking at the Parliamentary Council against Anti-Semitism, at the Royal College of Surgeons.

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