Woman told her ‘F*** Boris’ T-shirt is illegal by police

‘Why would that cause harassment? To who?’ she asks incredulously

Samuel Osborne
Saturday 06 June 2020 18:14 BST
British Transport Police officers claimed the slogan violated Section 5 of the Public Order Act
British Transport Police officers claimed the slogan violated Section 5 of the Public Order Act (Getty)

A woman wearing a “F*** Boris” T-shirt was stopped by British Transport Police in central London and told her clothing was against the law.

Explaining the incident in a YouTube video, the unidentified woman says she was leaving the Black Lives Matter protest on Wednesday when she was approached by two officers.

She said she started filming. In the footage, showing her at Oxford Circus, the woman asks police: “You think it’s illegal for me to have this T-shirt on? Based on what law?”

One officer replies that it violates Section 5 of the Public Order Act, which states it is an offence to use “threatening words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour” or display “any writing, sign or visible representation which is threatening” while “within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress thereby”.

The woman asks incredulously: “Why would that cause harassment? To who?”

The officer replies: “To other people. People will find that offensive.”

She then asks him to show her the law so he reads the act aloud from his mobile phone.

The woman says: “I think it’s actually invading my political right to wear whatever I want.”

The clip then cuts out.

Text then appears on the video claiming the woman was told to zip up her jacket “to avoid further action”. It also claims the officer “implied” she would be arrested if she did not.

A spokesperson for British Transport Police said: "We are aware of a video on social media of one of our officers near Oxford Circus Underground station on Wednesday 3 June. Our officer approached the individual in a courteous and professional manner and legitimately challenged them for wearing an item of clothing that contains an obscene word that could cause alarm or distress.”

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