Nearly one in 10 school staff are absent, latest data reveals
Pupil absence has fallen but 9.1% of teachers and school leaders were off school on February 3.

Record numbers of teachers and school leaders were absent from English state schools earlier in February, the latest data shows.
In total, nearly one in 10 – 9.1 % – of staff were estimated as absent on February 3 compared with 9% on January 20.
The Department for Education (DfE) estimates that the proportion of staff off for Covid-related reasons fell slightly from 4.5% on January 20 to 4.4% on February 3.
Absence rates for pupils fell, with 320,000 pupils off school for Covid-related reasons on February 3, down from 5.1% on January 20.
The major headache for many education leaders remains one of trying to plug the gaps left by having almost a tenth of their teaching staff absent
An estimated 249,800 pupils were off with a confirmed case of coronavirus, or 3.1% of pupils, down from 321,800 on January 20.
Levels have not fallen to where they were earlier last month when 159,000 pupils were absent with a confirmed case on January 6.
Geoff Barton general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, said that having “almost a tenth” of teaching staff absent represented a “major headache” for school leaders.
“It is good to see that the number of students missing from schools last week fell, but the major headache for many education leaders remains one of trying to plug the gaps left by having almost a tenth of their teaching staff absent,” he said.
He added that the latest attendance statistics “bear witness to absence levels that continue to pile enormous pressure on schools”.
Mr Barton said that nearly a quarter – 23% – of schools had more than 15% of teaching staff absent last week, “with many having no option other than to continue to spend more of their dwindling budgets on supply staff, assuming suitable staff are available.
“The Government needs to acknowledge that this issue is not going away and provide schools with sufficient financial assistance to meet this costly drain on their budgets.”
Paul Whiteman, general secretary of school leaders’ union NAHT said: “Today’s data shows us that the disruptions schools are experiencing due to staff absence remain very significant, with almost one in 10 teachers absent from school.
“It is good to see pupil absence beginning to fall, and we will all be hoping that the data continues in this direction. However, the latest figures still show more than 300,000 children absent from school for Covid reasons.
“It is very clear that we are still a long way from business as usual in schools; school leaders and their staff are still having to manage a very challenging situation.
“Given that, it is immensely frustrating that Government seems determined to just press ahead with things such as Ofsted inspections and Sats tests as if it’s virtually a normal year.”