Police whistleblower confronts Met chief Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe during radio phone-in

A police whistleblower who resigned after raising concerns about the massaging of crime statistics has confronted the Metropolitan Police Commissioner during a radio phone-in.
PC James Patrick asked Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe during an appearance on LBC whether the force will change the way it deals with whistleblowers after his experience.
He told Britain’s most senior police officer: “I feel very, very let down by the senior levels of the Met and I wanted to take the opportunity to say that. I sincerely hope that people who want to expose wrongdoing in the Met get a less raw deal in the future.”
Mr Patrick will leave the force next month having been threatened with further disciplinary action after a radio interview to discuss the issue of whistleblowing. He had already been given a final written warning, and is appealing against that decision.
Sir Bernard said he would be willing to meet Mr Patrick. When asked whether Scotland Yard will review procedures, he said: “In each case, sadly, it’s not straightforward. We will always be prepared to look at that and if there’s anything that comes from it we will try and learn. It’s a difficult balance to strike.”
Sir Bernard also said he has not contacted his predecessors over the “mass shredding” of sensitive intelligence relating to a corruption inquiry. He said 20 people have been interviewed about the destruction of records from Operation Othona – an anti-corruption initiative within the Metropolitan Police.