The hunt is on for the Swindon Slasher. At least 70 people in the Wiltshire town awoke this morning to find their car tyres flat – and it may not have been the work of just one man.
Initial reports suggested more than 150 cars had been vandalised on several residential streets between 2am and 5am. Police are trying to establish who might be responsible.
“This sort of crime absolutely beggars belief,” Superintendent Gavin Williams, of Wiltshire Police, said. “The victims of these crimes are hard-working families who have lawfully parked their vehicles outside of their homes and who have expected, rightly so, that their vehicles are safe to leave overnight.
“This is a particularly pointless, idiotic crime and I am keen to bring those responsible to justice. This incident is being robustly resourced and, if needs be, I will assign more officers to this case. Someone out there knows who is responsible for this and I would urge them, or the perpetrators, to come forward.”
Mary Walker, of Prospect Place, one of the worst affected roads, found two flat tyres on her car.
She described the vandalism as “mindless” and said she thought it “could not be the work of just one person”.