Man jailed for raping woman thrown off night bus for being 20p short of fare

A man was jailed for at least six years today for raping a young woman who had been thrown off her last bus home because she was 20p short of the fare.
Joseph Moran was branded a "pathological liar" by the judge who sentenced him at Nottingham Crown Court for the brutal rape of the young woman.
Judge James Sampson told Moran his defence that he had stumbled across the victim and helped her on the night of the attack was reprehensible.
Moran, who picked at his fingers and stared blankly as sentence was passed, was told by the Judge: "You claimed to have come across her and claimed to have come to her aid.
"It's a line you maintained throughout your trial.
"It's obvious that you're a pathological liar and a man without an ounce of remorse or shame."
The judge ordered him to serve an indeterminate sentence with a minimum term of six and half years.
The 23-year-old woman had been out with friends in Nottingham on December 9 last year when a driver refused to let her board the last bus to Mansfield because she was 20p short of the £5 fare.
She began walking along Mansfield Road out of the city where she had arranged to be collected by her mother when she was attacked.
Moran, 19, from Sneinton, subjected the young woman to an appalling and protracted attack lasting 25 minutes.
She suffered 26 injuries across her body when he grabbed her by the neck and dragged her into undergrowth in the Forest Recreation Ground.
Judge Sampson told him the victim was "intelligent, hard-working, brave, full of the optimism of youth and who, but for want of a small act of kindness, was left isolated and vulnerable in the small hours of the city".
He sentenced Moran, who appeared in court wearing jeans and a t-shirt, to serve the sentence in a young offenders' institute.
The court heard that Moran had pounced on the young woman in an attack that was fuelled by drink and drugs. Shortly before, he had stolen a car and had a fight with a friend.
He was disturbed in the midst of the attack by the blue flashing lights of a police car after officers pulled over the victim's mother because she was driving slowly searching for her daughter.
It was then that Moran emerged from bushes and told them he had found the young woman.
She was discovered just after 4am, unconscious, and having suffered terrible injuries.
She was rushed to hospital and police began an immediate investigation. Moran was arrested within minutes.
Prosecutor Michael Auty told the court the victim had been left permanently scarred by the attack and was now fearful of walking anywhere alone because her confidence was so severely dented.
"The effects have been this: that both from her perspective and that of her wider family the smile that they all knew so well has gone," Mr Auty said.
"Her face has been permanently affected. She bears visible scars that cut through and right across her lips.
Every time she eats, every time it's cold, every time she does something simple like tries to apply lipstick, she's reminded of that day."
Mr Auty said that for her parents the attack had made real their "darkest fear" and "worst nightmare".
He added: "She's doing her level best to ensure that however wretched these events were they've not beaten her or broken her."
In a statement released through Nottinghamshire Police, the woman thanked those involved in bringing her attacker to justice.
She said: "First and foremost, I would like to thank my family for their unwavering and unremitting support and prayers during what has been a very difficult time.
"I would also like to thank the staff at the Queen's Medical Centre for the dedication, professionalism, care and consideration demonstrated by them during my week in hospital and in the weeks that followed on my return for further treatment.
"The police have not only worked extremely hard on this case, they have also offered a great deal of pastoral support and shown incredible sensitivity towards me, something that often goes unrecognised. For that I will always be grateful.
"I am now moving forward with my life and I ask that people respect that and allow me and my family to maintain our privacy."
Detective Chief Inspector Rob Griffin, who was in charge of the investigation, welcomed the sentence.
He said: "Let me be clear, it is people like Joseph Moran who cause women all over the world to feel unsafe on the streets at night. He is a vile predator, who took advantage of his victim's isolation and vulnerability, and in a single moment changed her life forever.
"To then audaciously claim that he was trying to help her, and then force her to endure a trial is beyond cruel.
"Joseph Moran is the only person responsible for what happened that night and he will now have time to think about his actions while he is behind bars.
"Despite her physical, mental and emotional scars, the young woman at the centre of this case has shown tremendous fortitude in not letting it ruin her life. She has forged on and looks forward to a very promising future.
"We have been humbled by her bravery and resilience and wish her only the very best from here on in."