Police were today on the trail of thieves who stole a life-size statue of American mobster Al Capone.
The fibreglass figure of the notorious Brooklyn-born crook was attached to a wrought-iron chair in the back garden of Pauline McCook's home in Minster, Sheerness, Kent.
Throughout the year, Mrs McCook liked to decorate the statue but when she went to place some tinsel and decorations on it last week, she found it had been stolen.
She said: "I have loved the statue since I first set eyes upon it four years ago.
"He is part of our family and he cheers up everyone who sees him dressed up in his different outfits throughout the year.
"Christmas and future family events will not be the same without him. We haven't told the grandchildren he is missing yet as we know they will be devastated when they find out.
"I just hope that somebody has the decency to give him back or tell us where he is now."
Kent Police believe the figure, worth around £250, was taken within the last two weeks and appealed for help in finding it.
Pc Jo Morgan, who is investigating the case, said: "This is an extremely unusual item to steal and I am sure that there will be people out there who know who stole it and where it is now.
"The statue is extremely heavy and would have probably needed more than one person to move it, plus the thieves would have also needed a vehicle to take it away in.
"We want to hear from anyone who may have any information about the theft, and especially where the statue is now. It would be great if we can reunite him with Mrs McCook before Christmas."