Kilmarnock: Hospital lock down lifted as police respond to string of potentially linked ‘serious incidents’

'My thoughts are with those involved in these very serious incidents in Crosshouse/Kilmarnock', Nicola Sturgeon says

Vincent Wood
Friday 05 February 2021 00:41 GMT
Kilmarnock town centre with police at the scene on February 4,
Kilmarnock town centre with police at the scene on February 4, (Getty Images)

Officers have cordoned off several areas of Kilmarnock including the region's hospital as they deal with a string of potentially linked, "serious" incidents in the town, Police Scotland has confirmed.

Officers were called to the scene of University Hospital Crosshouse shortly before 8pm, with a second incident taking place on Portland Street some 2.5km away.

A third, a car crash on the A76, was also being investigated by police, with officers assessing whether the three were potentially linked.

The force added the incidents are not being treated as terror-related.

"Police Scotland is currently dealing with 3 potentially linked incidents in the Kilmarnock area", the force said on Twitter. "The first occurred around 7.45pm outside Crosshouse Hospital, the second around 20 minutes later on Portland Street, and the third, a serious road crash, on the A76, around 8.30pm."

"Enquiries into these incidents are at an early stage and these areas have been cordoned off at this time. There is no cause for concern for the wider community."

While the circumstances around the incidents remain unconfirmed, Scottish Labour candidate Kevin McGregor tweeted that he had received "worrying reports of stabbings" in the area.

NHS Ayrshire and Arran confirmed that a lockdown that was placed on the hospital has since been lifted, with Medical Director Crawford McGuffie saying the risk to patients or staff was deemed to be "minimal".


He said: "Following the Police incident earlier this evening, University Hospital Crosshouse was put under lockdown. Police Scotland have confirmed the risk to patients, staff and visitors to the hospital is minimal, and so this lockdown has been lifted.

"There remains a large police presence on the grounds of the hospital. We would like to reassure anyone coming to the hospital, in particular to any patients or staff coming on shift, that Police Scotland have confirmed it is safe to do so. However, if you are worried, please speak to the onsite Police Scotland officers.

"As this is a Police Scotland incident, we are unable to comment any further at this time."

Nicola Sturgeon offered her sympathies to those involved in the incidents, writing on Twitter "My thoughts are with those involved in these very serious incidents in Crosshouse/Kilmarnock.

"Please help Ayrshire Police do their job by following the advice to stay away from the areas affected."

The nation's justice minister Humza Yousaf also urged the public to stay clear of the area.

"Please listen to Police instructions and avoid both Crosshouse Hospital & Portland St in Kilmarnock", he wrote on Twitter. "Police are attending a v serious incident".

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