Jedward lookalike stole a sex toy and hairspray 'because he liked to look good'
Stephen Joe McQueen was recognised on CCTV footage due to his distinctive 'Jedward-style haircut'

A Jedward lookalike stole a sex toy, hairspray and spot cream because he liked to take care of his appearance, a court heard.
As reported by the Western Gazette, 23-year-old Stephen Joe McQueen was fined after pleading guilty to stealing the 'passionate bullet' sex toy, some Neutrogena spot cream, hairspray and deodorant from a Superdrug in Somerset.
After staff suspected McQueen of stealing, they looked at footage from the shop's CCTV footage and recognised him by his distinctive "Jedward-style haircut", prosecutor Lucy Coleman said.
Staff discovered empty boxes on the shelves after McQueen removed the goods inside and put them in his pockets.

The thefts were reported to the police, who later interviewed McQueen. He admitted going to the shop with no money, and told them he took some items which he intended to use.
Ms Coleman said McQueen knew what he did was stupid, and said it would not happen again.
Louise Eaves, the defending solicitor, told Somerset magistrates McQueen had been diagnosed with ADHD and suffered from mental health issues.
She added that he had stopped taking his medication, which prompted his erratic behaviour, but said his medication has since been stabilised.
She said he "took pride in his appearance" but got carried away while getting the hairspray.
He was fined £7 and ordered to pay £13 (the cost of the stolen goods) to Superdrug in compensation.
He was also handed a £150 court charge and £20 victim surcharge.
Pop due Jedward gained a cult following after appearing in the sixth series of The X Factor.