Father: Police errors were significant
If police had "done their job properly", those responsible for Stuart Lubbock's death at entertainer Michael Barrymore's house would have been charged, his father said today.
Terry Lubbock was speaking as the Independent Police Complaints Commission's report on the Essex Police investigation upheld six of his complaints and revealed two potentially vital pieces of evidence were lost.
He said: "It was not a catalogue of errors. There were not that many errors. But the errors that were made were quite significant."
He added: "If they had done the job properly in the first place we would have had people in court charged. I am sure of that.
"And that is what I am still pursuing. I want justice to be done and I will not rest until it is."
Earlier Mr Lubbock senior, 64, said senior police officers had visited his Harlow home last night to personally apologise ahead of the publication of today's report.
"I'm happy in a way," he said. "But it's a hollow apology because the perpetrators of my son's murder are still out there."
Mr Lubbock said he thought the second inquiry was being conducted properly.
"I think the second investigation is doing an excellent job," he added.
"And I have been assured that the investigation is still carrying on.
"I have had an apology from the police for the mistakes they made in the first inquiry but to be honest that's small beer for me."
He said he was concerned that people at the party on the night his son died were part of a "conspiracy of silence".
And Mr Lubbock urged Barrymore to tell police all he knew.
"I think it is time now for Mr Michael Barrymore to say 'enough is enough'," added Mr Lubbock.
"I would like him to clear his conscience and say 'I want to resume my life,' and try to put right some of this mess.
"Because he has made one hell of a mess and it is all his own fault. It isn't me that has brought him down. He's done it to himself.
"People know what went on on the night my son died and they're not telling what they know and I would urge them to come forward and say what they know."