Man arrested after footage shows elderly woman dragged to ground in mugging
Suspect in his 30s in custody after targeting victim in her 80s

A man has been arrested after video footage showed a woman in her 80s being dragged to the ground during a daylight mugging.
The incident, which took place in Sittingbourne, Kent, sparked a manhunt on Facebook after someone shared footage captured on a nearby CCTV camera.
In the recording, an elderly woman can be seen making her way across a road with her walking stick before a silver car pulls up opposite her.
A man gets out of the vehicle and walks briskly past the woman towards a shop, where he appears to peer through the window before suddenly walking back in the direction he came from.
The pair appear to have a brief exchange before the man snatches the victim’s bag, sending her flying to the ground.
He then runs back to his car and speeds off, while the woman sits up with her walking stick and attempts to get back to her feet.
CCTV footage showing the mugging from two different angles was shared on Facebook within hours of the incident alongside calls for the culprit to be named and shamed.
Kent Police confirmed a man in his 30s had been arrested in connection with the incident later that day.
A spokesperson said: “A man has been arrested in connection with a robbery in St John’s Avenue, Sittingbourne, shortly before 9am on 14 April 2020.
“It is reported a handbag was stolen from a woman in her 80s.
“The man, who is in his 30s and from the Sittingbourne area, was arrested at around 3pm.
“He is currently in custody.”