‘Girl arrested for murdering Brianna Ghey asked: Is it because I saw her last?’
Brianna, 16, was stabbed to death with a hunting knife.

A teenager accused of murdering Brianna Ghey asked a police officer as she was arrested: “Is it because I was the last person to see her alive?”
The teenager, 15 at the time and identified only as girl X, was held the day after transgender Brianna, 16, was found stabbed 28 times in Culcheth Linear Park, near Warrington, on the afternoon of February 11 this year.
X and a boy, identified only as Y, also 15 at the time, were traced after being seen with Brianna that day and X’s mother phoned police, Manchester Crown Court was told.
Both X and Y, both now 16, deny murder and are blaming each other, the jurors have been told.
Neither defendant can be named because of their age.
In the call to police by X’s mother, at about 5pm on the day after Brianna’s death, the teenager told police she and Y had been with Brianna in the park, but Briana had then gone off with a Manchester boy, 17, who owned a car.
Two-and-a-half hours later, both defendants were arrested at their homes by Cheshire Police.
Jurors were shown the body-worn camera footage taken when officers, wearing balaclavas and body armour, detained the suspects.
X is seen standing on the landing at the top of the stairs as Pc Chris Rigby tells her: “Listen to what I have to say. From the information I have received, you are under suspicion of the murder of Brianna Ghey yesterday.”
X is then cautioned and has her arms handcuffed behind her back, with one officer saying: “Be careful. She has got really small wrists.”
She is asked for her mobile phone and gives her Pin and nods as she is asked if she understands what is happening and shakes her head when asked if she has ever been arrested before.
X is then told she will be taken in for questioning and because of her age, arrangements are being made for a parent to accompany her.
How come I’m a suspect? Is it because I was the last person to see her alive?
X asks the officer: “How come I’m a suspect? Is it because I was the last person to see her alive?”
Pc Rigby tells her he can only give information about the arresting process – not the investigation.
Jurors were then shown footage of the simultaneous arrest of Y.
He is held on the landing outside his bedroom, knelt down as officers handcuff him.
Y tells them: “I can explain,” as he is told he is being arrested for murder and taken in for questioning.
The trial, which began on Monday, has been told:
– X and Y had a fixation with torture, violence and death;
– The pair had a “kill list” of other child victims;
– A “murder plan” to kill Brianna was found in X’s bedroom;
– She posted a tribute to her alleged victim on social media after the killing; and
– X had an interest in serial killers.
Earlier on Friday, the jury was shown footage of Y getting the bus home after the stabbing, with his hood up and his sleeves over his hands.
Deanna Heer KC, prosecuting, said Y’s web history that afternoon showed him accessing sites with advice on breathing exercises for stress and getting help for anxiety.
Later, X sent a message to Y saying: “Do you know what my favourite quote is? If you wish for peace prepare for war.”
She asked: “Do you have anxiety about getting caught?”
Y replied: “Probably.”
X said: “You’re not going to get caught don’t worry, police are shite here.”
The trial was adjourned until Monday.