Pork thrown into Belfast Islamic Centre in 'hate incident'
Spokesman for the centre says it is not the first time they have been targetted

Police are investigating an incident where pork was forced through the letterbox of an Islamic Centre in Northern Ireland.
The incident, which took place in south Belfast, is being treated as a hate incident by the authorities.
The treasurer of the Belfast Islamic Centre, Raied al-Wazzan, said that those responsible were “ignorant people”.
“We believe these people do not represent the vast majority of Northern Ireland. We have received many messages of support,” Mr al-Wazzan told the BBC.
“They will not succeed. We have a very good relationship with all communities in Northern Ireland and we work hard with our outreach.”
Anwar Mady, a spokesperson for the centre, said although the centre had been attacked before this was the first time someone had opened the front door.
“It’s a busy time. People are coming to perform the last prayer of the day,” he said.
“For me, it’s a clear message of hatred. It’s not about meat, it’s about the hate."
The incident took place on Christmas Eve and was captured on CCTV.
The footage has been passed onto police who are currently investigating.