Child sex offender escapes HMP Peterborough by scaling prison wall using home-made rope

Sixteen months have been added to his current sentence

Maya Yagoda
Wednesday 28 February 2018 18:36 GMT
Sex offender escapes HMP Peterborough by scaling prison wall

A convicted child sex offender escaped from HMP Peterborough for 48 hours by scaling the prison wall using a rope made from face towels and gardening gloves.

Gintautas Urbonas ran ahead of a group of prisoners being escorted from the gym and climbed the wall in 26 seconds.

He was returned to prison two days later after an anonymous call alerted police to his whereabouts. After his rearrest, Urbonas confessed to the escape and claimed he had made the call to police.

An additional 16 months have been added onto his current 12-year sentence.

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