Charter targets for reliability on BR unchanged
TARGETS for reliability and punctuality under the Passenger's Charter on the vast majority of British Rail lines are not being changed for next year, although BR failed to reach expected standards on over half its lines.
The targets are set following negotiations with the Department of Transport. The only targets which are being changed are on Network SouthEast, where they are being raised on five lines. The punctuality target - arriving on time or within five minutes - for the recently modernised Chiltern Line is rising from 88 per cent to 90 per cent, and to 85 per cent on the London, Tilbury and Southend Line and the Thames Line. Both previously had targets of 80 per cent, the lowest on the network.
The North London Line target increases from 85 per cent to 87 per cent and West Anglia from 88 per cent to 90 per cent.
The reliability target - the number of scheduled trains running - on the Thames Line is also being raised, from 98 per cent to 98.5 per cent. All these new targets, except for punctuality on Thames, are within last year's performance and therefore there is little risk of BR failing to meet them, unless there is a sharp decline in standards.
If lines perform 3 per cent below the punctuality target or 1 per cent below reliability target, commuters are entitled to a discount over the following year until the line's performance improves. This year, 11 rail lines failed to reach the threshold and commuters will be entitled to discounts of 5 per cent for each failed target from 3 January when fares rise.
BR managers have been angered by the Government's refusal to allow targets to be reduced on some lines where under-investment means that targets can never be met. For example, on the West Coast Main Line from Euston to Scotland, there are so many speed restrictions caused by the poor condition of the track that it is almost impossible for InterCity trains to meet the targets. Yet, it has the same 90 per cent target for punctuality as the East Coast Line which recently completed a pounds 700m modernisation programme.
Targets on InterCity, where all seven lines failed to meet both targets, and on Regional Railways are not being changed.
John Nelson, managing director of Network SouthEast, said perfomances could be improved only 'if we have enough money for track and other essential work.'
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