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Travel agents being killed off by internet

Simon Calder
Sunday 28 November 1999 00:02 GMT

SHED A TEAR for the humble travel agent, whose days are well and truly numbered. At yesterday's annual convention for the Association of British Travel Agents (Abta), held - naturally - in the semi-tropical Australian city of Cairns, the atmosphere was gloomy.

No amount of winter sun could compensate for the brutal fact that the British public, in increasing numbers, are no longer relying on high-street agents to book their holidays. "We are now competing for business with the world's biggest software company and even an ex-Boomtown Rat," said Stephen Freudmann, the president of Abta, who warned of the threat of competition from new electronic outlets such as Microsoft's Expedia, and Bob Geldof's

The role of the travel agent is being swiftly eroded as fickle consumers take to new technology; in particular, the internet, digital television, and even mobile phone technology.

A survey into new technology, conducted jointly by Abta and the computer reservations firm Amadeus, revealed that only 15 per cent of holidaymakers are loyal to a particular travel agent.

And that was the silver lining - travel agents were then informed that hundreds of independent agencies could disappear within the next five years, according to the survey. Instead they heard there could be a move away from the high street towards call centres.

According to Ian Lowden, a transport consultant, "there will be a proliferation of 24-hour `warehouse' travel agents, rather like the banks have now, where you can call any time, night or day, and make your booking".

Guidebooks, too, could be revolutionised by new technology. Tony Wheeler, founder of the Lonely Planet series, said that the travel guide of the future could emulate the fictional electronic book described in Douglas Adams's novel The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Life could imitate science fiction with a digital guidebook incorporating global positioning and a mobile telephone facility. "You'd tell it to find the nearest Italian restaurant, and the device would guide you there and also phone ahead to make a reservation," Mr Wheeler said.

Mobile phones could play a key role in booking holidays in the new millennium. Alison Rice, of the cable and satellite station Travel Channel, revealed plans for a new network called Travel Shop Direct: "You'll be able to look at what holidays are available, call up television pictures of the hotel rooms and resort, then with a press or two on the remote control you can book instantly."

There was, however, one morsel of comfort for the beleaguered travel agents. Despite the predictions of a brave new travel market, Mr Freudmann argued that human contact would always be important. "People will continue to appreciate the comfort of dealing with a human being. Technology will change the face of our industry, but I always believe there will be room for that human interface", he said.

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