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The News Matrix: Tuesday 6 January 2015


Tuesday 06 January 2015 01:00 GMT

Long-term detention of migrants criticised

Figures released by the Home Office yesterday following a Freedom of Information request reveal that 20 migrants have spent at least 722 days in detention under immigration powers. Prolonged incarceration can pose mental health risks to detainees and campaigners have condemned the Home Office for apparently locking up migrants for “administrative convenience”.

Fighter jets bomb Greek-owned ship

Fighter jets dispatched by Libya’s internationally recognised government bombed a Greek-owned tanker ship at an eastern city controlled by Islamist extremists yesterday. The attack killed two crew members and wounded two, Libyan and Greek officials said.

May urged not to disband abuse panel

Sharon Evans, a member of the inquiry into child sex abuse rings with establishment connections dating back to the 1970s and 1980s, has urged the Home Secretary, Theresa May, not to disband the panel, amid claims that she is preparing to replace it with a new probe.

Backlash against anti-Islam rallies

Thousands of Germans demonstrated yesterday in opposition to rallies in Dresden against the “Islamisation of the West”, which have attracted growing numbers of supporters. Organisers in Berlin, Stuttgart, Cologne and Dresden said they were marching to promote tolerance.

‘Toxic lake’ death to be investigated

The Environment Secretary Liz Truss has ordered tests on a lake near the home of a schoolboy who died after floodwater engulfed his family’s Surrey home in February.

The parents of Zane Gbangbola say he was killed by fumes released from the lake, built over a landfill site.

US permits Irish beef exports again

Ireland says the US will permit imports of beef from the country – the first EU state allowed to resume sales since the mad cow disease scare. The US lifted its ban on beef from the EU in March 2014, but inspections were necessary before exports resumed.

Experts try to secure grounded ship

Salvage experts have attempted to stabilise a cargo ship grounded in the Solent ahead of 50mph winds expected today. The vehicle carrier was deliberately grounded to prevent it capsizing after it listed dangerously.

Ukip councillor used ‘forged signatures’

A former Ukip parliamentary candidate is on trial at Norwich Crown Court over alleged electoral fraud. Matthew Smith, a Norfolk County Council member, is accused of submitting nomination forms with forged signatures to boost the party’s performance.

Has Dalai Lama signed up for Glasto?

Organisers of Glastonbury Festival may have booked an unlikely attendee – the Dalai Lama. Reports spread that he would make an appearance after a note on the Nobel Peace Prize winner’s official website announced he would be attending the festival on 28 June. It was removed shortly afterwards.

New Year rave ends … five days later

A New Year’s rave in Valencia, Spain, was finally forced to shut down yesterday, after police responded to multiple complaints over the five-day party. Organisers behind the rave now face a fine of between €30,000 and €90,000 for having no authorisation and violating safety measures.

A Christmas tree-t for goats

A farm in New England is extending an invitation to residents who don’t know what to do with their old Christmas trees. Hillary Knight, the barnyard manager at Smiling Hill Farm in Maine, says the farm’s goats are more than happy to eat the trees. Christmas trees are a great source of vitamin C for the animals.

BBC man has ‘beef’ with no-vote Brand

The BBC’s political editor, Nick Robinson, has condemned Russell Brand’s suggestion that young people should not vote, claiming extremist parties could stand to benefit. He said he had a “beef” with the comedian and activist, who has urged people to shun the ballot box at the General Election in May.

Capaldi snubbed for ‘Doctor Who’

The National Television Awards shortlist has been announced but Peter Capaldi has failed to receive a nod for top drama performance – the first snub of the star of Doctor Who since the sci-fi show was revived by the BBC. Capaldi’s predecessors Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant and Matt Smith all won.

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