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The News Matrix: Tuesday 24 December 2013


Tuesday 24 December 2013 01:00 GMT

Cut in top rate gives bank bosses £100m

Britain’s highest-paid bankers are on course to receive an income tax cut of almost £100m this year following George Osborne’s decision to reduce the top rate from 50p to 45p. Figures from the Labour party suggest the 2,714 bankers who earn more than £800,000 will share a £98.5m windfall – an average tax cut of £36,303 each. MORE

Another soldier killed in action

A soldier from the Royal Engineers was killed in action in Afghanistan yesterday. He died as a result of enemy fire east of Kabul. The number of UK service members who have died in Afghanistan since 2001 is 447. British forces are due to leave the country by the end of next year.

Miners are still fighting for justice

Almost 18 months ago, 34 people were killed after police opened fire on a group protesting against conditions at a platinum mine. Today, there is still much resentment over the need for an ongoing fight for justice for the miners, as an investigation continues. MORE

Most of us want to be organ donors

More than 100,000 more people every year would become organ donors – but only if they’re asked to do so in the right way, a Government trial has established. Surveys show 90 per cent of us support the principle of donation – yet only a third of us join the register.

Right-wing Utah to allow gay marriage

Utah is the new homosexual rights battleground in America after a federal judge opened the door to same-sex marriage. The ruling surprised the mostly conservative establishment in Salt Lake City as it faced up to the fact it is the 18th state to allow gay marriage. MORE

Pussy Riot pair say amnesty is a stunt

Two jailed members of the Russian punk band Pussy Riot walked free yesterday, but criticised the amnesty that released them as a publicity stunt, with one calling for a boycott of the Winter Olympics.

Police cleared of torturing doctors

A court has acquitted two police officers accused of torturing doctors who were detained while treating wounded Shia protesters during civil unrest in 2011. The doctors, who were freed at different times, were held at the height of protests by Shia demanding greater rights from the Sunni monarchy.

Radiotherapy boy Neon gets ‘all clear’

Neon Roberts, an eight-year-old boy who received radiotherapy on a brain tumour, despite his mother launching a High Court battle and sparking a four-day manhunt after she opposed the move, has been given the all clear. Sally Roberts, 38, was anxious that radiotherapy would damage her son.

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