Protests could end plan for gold mining
Romania's Prime Minister admits his efforts to end a 14-year deadlock and open Europe's biggest goldmine were likely to fail, after the project provoked nationwide protests at the use of cyanide in the Transylvanian mountains. Nine days of escalating nationwide protests forced Prime Minister Victor Ponta to reconsider.
Lost Van Gogh painting discovered
The first full-size Vincent van Gogh painting to be discovered in 85 years has been authenticated as a genuine long-lost work after spending six decades in the attic of a Norwegian industrialist who had been told it was a fake. Sunset At Montmajour depicts a dynamic landscape of twisting oak trees, bushes and sky. MORE
Tallest buildings 'are vanity projects'
Many of the world's tallest buildings include large proportions of unused "vanity height", according to a new report which says architects include spires and other upward adornments to push their structures into the "supertall" category. The top 39 per cent of Burj al-Arab in Dubai is uninhabitable. MORE
Man charged with terrorist offences
A suspect has been charged with a terror offence after a police investigation into explosives. Ian Forman, 41, of Oxton, Birkenhead, is accused of engaging in conduct in preparation of terrorist acts. He is next due to appear at the Old Bailey on 20 September.
Osborne: UK is now 'turning a corner'
George Osborne claimed a decisive victory for his economic policy yesterday by telling Labour it had "lost the argument" and predicting that Britain was now finally "turning a corner". Speaking at a building site in the City of London, the Chancellor said Britain's return to growth over the first half of the year vindicated his bitterly contested deficit-reduction plan.
Manning's relatives get a helping hand
Welsh relatives of jailed WikiLeaks whistleblower Chelsea Manning have been given money to visit him in prison in Kansas by Ciaron O'Reilly, who spent time in jail for damaging military aircraft. He has held fund-raising gigs and has so far sent them more than £400. MORE
Miliband refuses to abandon reforms
Ed Miliband is to face his critics in the trade unions head on today in a speech to the TUC conference. Announcing a proposed overhaul of the membership system that will see union members have to "opt in", he will say he believes Labour can be a party of 500,000 members. MORE
Big Brother house open for viewings
The National Trust is set to open up TV's Big Brother house to the public. The custodian of many of the UK's most important buildings will give visitors the chance to visit the house across two days later this month. Not everyone is happy with the plan, with Ann Widdecombe saying she is "saddened" by the move. MORE
Net firms want to disclose data orders
Facebook and Yahoo are asking a secret court to allow them to disclose data on the national security orders the companies have received under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The two firms say they want to correct false claims about what they provide to the US government.
'Too fat' chef wins visa reprieve
A South African chef facing deportation for being too fat has been given a 23-month reprieve. Albert Buitenhuis appealed after his visa renewal was rejected on the grounds he did not have "an acceptable standard of health". Associate Immigration Minister Nikki Kaye said he would "have to meet any health costs himself".
Las Vegas builds biggest Ferris wheel
The world's largest Ferris wheel is taking shape in Las Vegas with the outer wheel of the 55-storey High Roller ride due to be hoisted into place last night. It is part of a $550m (£350m) development across the street from the Caesar's Palace resort and casino.
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