Move to reveal Blair’s earnings
Tony Blair will today come under increasing pressure to reveal how much he earns – and continue to declare who pays him for the rest of his life. The Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen is tabling a Commons motion arguing that the rules which apply to serving MPs about disclosing their income should also encompass former prime ministers.
Shots fired near home of Vice-President
Multiple gunshots were fired from a vehicle near the home of the US Vice‑President Joe Biden on Saturday. The US Secret Service confirmed that shots were fired around 8.25pm on a public road outside the secure perimeter near the home in Greenville, Delaware. AP
Kouachis, by those who knew them
What led two brothers down a path of extremism that culminated in them shooting dead 12 people in an attack on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo? People who knew Cherif and Said Kouachi share their recollections of the brothers.
Two men are held on suspicion of rape
Two men have been arrested on suspicion of the rape of a 17-year-old girl who was pushed into a car in Milton Keynes and attacked. The men, both 23, were arrested on Saturday on suspicion of conspiracy to kidnap and conspiracy to rape in the town last Wednesday.
Yazidi girls ‘choose death over slavery’
Many girls from the Yazidi community in Iraq are committing suicide after being raped and sold into sexual slavery by Isis fighters. The reports come from about 200 sick and elderly Yazidis, held prisoner for five months, who were freed at the weekend.
Six million people hear Pope preach
A record six million people poured into Manila’s rain-soaked streets and its biggest park yesterday as Pope Francis ended his Asian tour with an appeal for Filipinos to protect their young from sin and vice.
O’Neal leaves Celebrity Big Brother
The R’n’B singer Alexander O’Neal has left the Celebrity Big Brother house after using the word “faggot” to describe another contestant. The US singer became the third person to leave the show unexpectedly, following the removal of actors Ken Morley and Jeremy Jackson.
Would-be killer ‘defrauded client’
A 21-year-old Norwegian man was fined 10,000 crowns ($1,300) for fraud because he accepted a contract killing job without intending to carry it out. The man agreed to take cash to kill a 17‑year‑old. REUTERS
‘Boyhood’ scoops three film awards
The UK’s top film critics have named Boyhood as the Film of the Year at the London Critics’ Circle film awards. Richard Linklater scooped the best director and Patricia Arquette won best supporting actress.
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