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The News Matrix: Friday 1 April 2011

Friday 01 April 2011 00:00 BST

Cold winter led to a rise in emissions

The UK’s emissions of greenhouse gases rose in 2010 after a cold winter led to a surge in home gas heating. A switch from nuclear power to coal and gas was also considered responsible. In 2009 emissions fell as the recession hit industrial use. MORE

Ex-Labour MP jailed for fraud

Former Labour MP Jim Devine was branded a liar and sentenced to 16 months yesterday for fraudulently claiming more than £8,000 of expenses.

Japan and France defend nuclear path

Japan and France defended nuclear power yesterday, despite fresh reports that the Fukushima plant is spewing radiation. Japan’s nuclear safety agency revealed that radioactive iodine in seawater about 300 metres offshore is thousands of times the legal standard. MORE

Big rise in number of mothers working

Almost a third of mothers now work full-time, a marked increase from 15 years ago, when less than a quarter did so. New figures from the ONS show that the gap between employment figures for mothers and those with no dependents has narrowed to just 1 per cent.

Eating disorders start in childhood

Evidence suggests that eating disorders start early in childhood, with three in every 100,000 under-13s affected. Researchers from the Institute of Child Health in London identified more than 200 cases in children aged six to 13 in a year. MORE

India to become most populous nation

India has experienced a population boom that has seen it on the way to becoming the world’s most populous nation. The country is now home to 17 per cent of the world’s people with a rise of 181 million people in the past decade to reach 1.21 billion. MORE

Ten more talk to UK about defecting

The Government says it is in urgent talks with up to 10 more senior figures in Colonel Gaddafi’s regime about possible defection following the dramatic arrival in Britain of the Libyan dictator’s chief henchman for much of his 40 years in power. Former foreign minister Moussa Koussa was said to be “talking voluntarily” to British officials yesterday. MORE

Protest planned at Nelson’s Column

Hundreds of protesters will set up camp in Trafalgar Square tomorrow in a demonstration against the cuts. They will occupy the London landmark for 24 hours. Campaign group False Economy is also supporting the protesters arrested on Saturday.

Player gives access to all radio stations

Listeners can now search hundreds of radio stations from one place as Radioplayer was launched yesterday. Bringing BBC national and local stations to the same platform as commercial, student and even hospital stations, the player aims to transform internet radio listening. MORE

Drugs painted on to book to evade guards

Three inmates and their relatives were charged with attempting to smuggle drugs into a New Jersey jail on the pages of a children’s book. The drug, Subozone, was dissolved into a paste and then painted into the book. Pages with a scribbled “To Daddy” were sent to prisoners.

Four cats die of antifreeze poisoning

An animal charity has appealed for information after four cats in one street died from suspected antifreeze poisoning. Marshell Newcomb, of Wellingborough, Northants, had two cats put down because of organ failure. The RSPCA said it may have been an accident.

Flight crew recycle damaged euros

Six people have been arrested over a plot to smuggle €20m (£18m) of damaged euro coins that had been sent for melting down in China back into Germany. Those arrested included Lufthansa cabin crew and four Chinese. The damaged coins had been repaired in China. MORE

Harry: Mum would be proud of William

Princess Diana would have been “very proud” that Prince William is to be married later this month, Prince Harry said yesterday. Preparing for an Arctic trek with a group of servicemen, William’s best man revealed that the Royal Family had thought “it was never going to happen for him”.

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