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The Law: Ten reasons why the law is an ass

Saturday 29 November 1997 00:02 GMT

Possessing computer files which contain unauthorised data about private indviduals

Removing weeds under a garden fence, which could be against the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981

Playing your favourite radio programme in the car which could contravene rules about driving "without reasonable consideration to other road users"

Getting a drink in your local pub on credit

Making or eating mince pies on Christmas Day (but as this law stems from Oliver Cromwell's time it is unlikely to be enforced)

Not reporting knocking down a dog in your car

Sending a magazine by post (for example a woman's magazine) which features human sexual techniques to someone who is not expecting it

Digging up worms for fishing bait from many coastal areas

Playing poker with your mates in the pub

Shouting "taxi" to hail a cab

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