The Hamilton Affair: THE THINGS THEY SAID
"Mr Hamilton already had a general bad reputation as a corrupt MP who was willing to exploit that position to make money and whose name was linked forever with the word sleaze."
George Carman QC
"What Neil and Christine Hamilton did in their six days at The Ritz draws back the curtain on their character and attitude to life because it's a story of uncontrolled greed and unbridled extravagance ... no Big Macs or chicken sandwiches."
George Carman
"Mr Fayed is a classic Jekyll and Hyde figure - a man with a jovial side, a man with a thoroughly evil side."
Desmond Browne QC
"Mr Fayed is a habitual liar - a man for whom lying has become a sickness."
Desmond Browne
"Let Prince Philip sue me. Let MI5 and MI6 sue me ... they know they are above the law."
Mohamed Al Fayed
"No, I am not the king - I am the doorman of Harrods."
Mr Fayed
"He is someone who would sell his mother for money." Mr Fayed on Neil Hamilton
"It was a pack of lies from start to finish."
Mr Hamilton
"I don't think that `greedy' even now is a word I would attach - but I think we went over the top a bit."
Mr Hamilton on the stay at The Ritz
"It is because I was ultra-scrupulous that I am in this pickle today."
Mr Hamilton
"If he had had it, he'd have given it to me, because I empty his pockets of change every night. He just wouldn't have known what to do with it."
Christine Hamilton
"I wish I had never stepped across the threshold of the beastly hotel."
Mrs Hamilton
"Mr Fayed is the biggest bloody crook in this town." Brian Dodd, former bodyguard to Mr Fayed
"Truth and honesty have all been sacrificed on the altar of self preservation." Mr Carman on Mr Hamilton
"If there were Olympic medals for lying Mr Fayed would be a prime contender for a gold one." Mr Browne on Mr Fayed
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