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The Business Matrix: Monday 11 March 2013


Monday 11 March 2013 01:01 GMT

Marketing execs tell us to 'relax'

stereotype of the laidback marketing executive has been borne out by a survey showing they are less concerned over the economy than their counterparts in finance. Only six in 10 of the country's marketers believe there is an "above normal level of uncertainty" against 93 per cent of finance directors, according to a Deloitte and Chartered Institute of Marketing Survey.

Platinum boss woos investors

Jubilee Platinum is trying to persuade sceptical investors its proposed £20m takeover of Platinum Australia would be "transformational". The deal would give Jubilee an operational mine for the first time, but would result in Jubilee shareholders seeing their stock diluted. Jubilee boss Leon Coetzer said he needed to "educate" them on the benefits of the deal.

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