Asda wants looser Sunday trading
Andy Clarke, the chief executive of Asda, has revealed he is in favour of loosening Sunday trading restrictions, as the UK's second-biggest supermarket posted a 0.7 per cent rise in second-quarter sales. He said: "If giving greater flexibility to shopping hours pleases customers, I would support that [trading extension]."
Lego man's stake in ISS exposes G4S
The Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan and Kirkbi Invest, the trust which looks after the interests of Lego billionaire Kirk Kristiansen's family, have taken a €500m stake in ISS, the Danish firm that security giant G4S tried to buy last year. The investment at 150 kroner a share is nearly 20 per cent below G4S's offer.
Deloitte targets young recruitment
Deloitte is to step up its hiring of young people after it delivered a leap in annual revenues. The big-four accountancy firm said 1,750 places will be available this year for school leavers, students and graduates – an extra 250 positions on last year. Deloitte grew revenues by 11 per cent to £2.33bn over the year to 31 March.
James Hambro in merger with Calkin
One of the oldest family names in the City, James Hambro & Partners, is merging with a younger upstart, Calkin Pattinson, to form a group which will manage more than £1bn of funds. The two firms complement each other with fund management and financial planning expertise. James Hambro will chair the merged company.
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