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Short keeps his cold in check to score first win

Tuesday 12 October 1993 23:02 BST

AT THE sixteenth attempt, Britain's Nigel Short has defeated Garry Kasparov in the chess match at the Savoy.

After five weeks of missed opportunities turning into draws and demoralising defeats, Short played with perfect control yesterday to punish Kasparov for some over-ambitious play. He said after the win: 'I'm pleased because although this was not a masterpiece I played fairly well.'

Kasparov now leads by 10.5- 5.5 and still needs only two points to clinch the match.

According to his friend and confidant, Dominic Lawson, Short started the day suffering from a cold and not feeling up to an attacking game. Instead of his normal vigorous play with the white pieces, he began is restrained style, offering an early exchange of queens and apparently content to draw.

Kasparov resigned at move 38 with his position irreparably wrecked. It was Short's first win against him since 1986. The 17th game is tomorrow and the bookmakers William Hill have cut the odds on Short to win the championship from 1,000-1 to 500-1.

Analysis of game, page 5

Chess column, page 15

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