Security summit ends in deadlock on Bosnia
The European security summit in Budapest ended in fiasco yesterday, with failure to agree a policy on the war in the Balkans or on the new rules for peace-keeping.
The 52-nation meeting of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe did decide to rename itself as an organisation, so that it now becomes the OSCE. Beyond this, deep divisions hindered progress, both over Bosnia and the future role of Russia.
Two separate declarations, one on the situation around Bihac, the other on the conflict in Bosnia as a whole, were discussed and rejected. Russia would not allow the spotlight to fall on the Serbs, and Bosnia-Herzegovina would not accept any share of blame.
John Major was sceptical about the meeting's worth, saying: ''I am not sure what concrete steps will emerge from this, except for the frustration that everyone feels.'' The failure brought a cynical riposte from Douglas Hurd, the Foreign Secretary, who said: ''I don't honestly think that many people will be sitting up looking at their watches, asking: when is the CSCE going to agree on Bosnia?''
Mr Hurd will make a statement on the summit today in the Commons. He will unveil no switch of policy on Britain's contribution to the UN peace-keeping force in Bosnia, but the reviewing process could begin tomorrow at a meeting of the Cabinet sub-committee on overseas policy and defence.
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