Queen's Birthday Honours: The Full List
Fellowes, The Right Honourable Sir Robert, GCB, GCVO, QSO, lately private sec to The Queen.
Foster, Sir Norman, OM, architect; chm, Foster & Partners.
Oxburgh, Sir Ronald, KBE, Rector, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine.
Prashar, Usha Kumari, CBE, chm, Parole Board.
Stern, Vivien Helen, CBE, Sec Gen, Penal Reform Internat.
Stevenson, Sir Henry Dennistoun, CBE, chm, Pearson plc and AerFi Group plc.
Privy Councillors
George, Edward Alan John, Governor, Bank of Eng.
Haselhurst, Sir Alan, MP, Member of Parliament for Saffron Walden; chm of Ways and Means and Dep Speaker.
Jones, Stephen Barry, MP, Member of Parliament for Alyn and Deeside.
Radice, Giles Heneage, MP, Member of Parliament for Durham North.
Knights Bachelor
Adsetts, William Norman, OBE, Chair of Governors, Sheffield Hallam Univ. For serv the commty in Sheffield.
Allen, Thomas Boaz, CBE, For serv Opera.
Bond, John Reginald Hartnell, Group chm, HSBC Holdings plc. For serv Banking. Cameron, Hugh Roy Graham, QPM, Ch Const, Lothian and Borders Police. For serv the Police.
Davies, Frank John, CBE, chm, Health and Safety Commn. For serv the Health and Safety of the Public.
Fender, Brian Edward Frederick, CMG, For serv the Univ of Keele and the Higher Educ Funding Ccl for Eng.
Ferguson, Alexander Chapman, CBE, mgr, Manchester United Football Club. For serv Association Football.
Greener, Anthony Armitage, chm, Diageo plc. For serv the Drinks ind.
Hatter, Maurice, chm IMO Precision Controls Ltd. For publ serv.
Jackson, Kenneth Joseph, Gen sec, Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union. For serv ind Relations.
Jarvis, Gordon Ronald, For charitable serv.
Ledger, Philip Stevens, CBE, Principal, R Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. For serv Music.
Marsh, Prof John Stanley, CBE, For serv the Agricultural ind and to Agricultural Educ.
McDonald, Trevor, OBE, For serv Broadcasting and Journalism.
Nurse, Paul Maxime, Dir gen, Imperial Cancer Research Fund. For serv Cell Biology and to Cancer Research.
O'Dowd, David Joseph, CBE, QPM, H.M. ch insp of Constabulary. For serv commty Relations and to Standards within the Police.
O'Nions, Prof Robert Keith, FRS, Prof of the Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Univ of Oxf. For serv the Earth Sciences.
Peto, Prof Richard, FRS, For serv Epidemiology and to Cancer Prevention.
Robb, John Weddell, chm, Brit Energy plc. For serv the Energy ind.
Sieff, The Honourable David, For serv the National Lottery Charities Board.
Smith, Robert Haldane, For serv the National Museums of Scotland.
Tilt, Robin Richard, Lately dir gen, H.M. Prison Service, Home Off.
Williams, Prof Bernard Arthur Owen, Emeritus Prof of Moral Philosophy and Fellow of All Souls College, Univ of Oxf. For serv Philosophy.
Williams, David Reeve, CBE, Leader, London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. For serv Local Govt and to the Local Govt Association.
Order of the Bath
Knight Commander (KCB)
Bichard, Michael George, Permanent sec, Dept for Educ and Employment.
Jenkins, James Christopher, CB, QC, First Parliamentary Counsel, Parliamentary Counsel Office.
Vereker, John Michael Medlicott, CB, Permanent sec, Dept for Internat Development.
Companion (CB)
Bertram, George, Dir, National Insurance Contributions Office, H.M. Bd of In Rev. Buckley, Edgar Vincent, Assistant under sec, MOD. Chesterton, David, For serv the Dept for Culture, Media and Sport. Gieve, Edward John Watson, Dir, Public Services Dirate, H.M. Treas. MacDonald, Colin Cameron, Principal Establishment Offr, Scott Off. McCluskie, John Cameron, QC, First Scottish Parliamentary Counsel and ltly Legal sec to the Lord Advocate. Nissen, David Edgar Joseph, Solicitor and dir gen, Legal Services, Dept of Trade and Indust. Noble, Miss Gillian Mae, Dep dir, Public Services Dirate, H.M. Treas. Roberts, Norman Patrick, For publ serv. Turner, John, Dir, Jobcentre Services, Employment Service, Dept for Educ and Employment.
Order of St Michael And St George
Commander (CMG)
Brewer, David William, Lately chm, Sedgwick Insurance and Risk Management Consultants Ltd. For serv Export.
Order of the British Empire
Knight Grand Cross (GCB)
Brown, The Right Honourable Sir Stephen, For serv the Family Court System.
Dame Commander (DBE)
Byatt, Mrs Antonia Susan, CBE, Author. For serv Literature.
Grant, Mrs Mavis, Headteach, Mary Trevelyan Primary School, Newcastle upon Tyne. For serv Educ.
Major, Mrs Norma Christina Elizabeth, For charitable serv, especly MENCAP.
Moores, Mrs Yvonne, Chief Nursing Offr. Dept of Health. For serv the Nursing Profession.
Reeves, Helen May, OBE, For serv the Victim Support Movement.
Southgate, Prof Lesley Jill, Gen Medical Practitioner, London. For serv Standards of Practice and to Primary Care.
Thomas, Maureen Elizabeth, Lady, For polit, cultural and charitable serv.
Knight Commander (KBE)
Deedes, The Right Honourable William Francis, Baron, of Aldington. For serv Journalism and to humanitarian causes.
Commander (CBE)
Acher, Gerald, Sen Partner, KPMG London Office and vice-chm, Motability. For serv Transport for Disabled People. Adamson, Stephen James Lister, For serv the Insolvency Profession. Adler, Prof Michael William, chm, National Aids Trust, Prof of Genito-Urinary Medicine. For serv the Treatment of People with Aids. Aitchison, Craigie Ronald John, Painter. For serv Art. Altobell, Paul Percival, Lately Ch exec, Defence Analytical Services Agency, MOD. Anderson, Prof John Maxwell, chm, Building Regulations Advisory Committee. For serv Building and the Development of Building Regulations. Ashworth, William, chm, East Lancashire HA. For serv Health Care. Baddeley, Prof Alan David, FRS, Prof of Psychology, Univ of Bristol. For serv the Study of Human Memory. Bakewell, Joan Dawson, For serv Broadcasting, Journalism and the Arts. Baldwin, Joseph Brian, chm, National Employers Organisation and Joint chm, National Joint Ccl for Local Govt Services. For serv Local Govt. Banatvala, Prof Jangu Edal, Prof of Clinical Virology, United Medical and Dental Schools. For serv the Prevention of Viral Hepatitis. Barnard, John Charles, Collector, Thames Valley, HM Board of Customs and Excise. Bate, Dennis, mgg dir, Bovis North. For serv the New Deal. Bayley, Prof John Oliver, For serv English Literature. Bidwell, Robin, chm, Environmental Resources Management Ltd. For serv the Environment. Brown, James Craig, For serv Association Football. Bryce, John Pattie Bennet, Assistant dir, HM Bd of In Rev. Bull, Miss Deborah Clare, For serv Dance. Callow, Simon Philip Hugh, Actor and dir. For serv Drama. Cameron, Prof Averil Millicent, Warden, Keble College, Univ of Oxf. For serv Classical Scholarship. Cameron, Prof Ian Rennell, Vice Chancellor, Univ of Wales College of Medicine. For serv Respiratory Medicine and to Higher Educ. Chevannes, Prof Melhado, For serv Multi-Cultural Nursing. Christensen, Lawrence Richard, Logistics dir, Safeway Stores plc and pres, Freight Transport Association. For serv the Freight Transport and Logistics ind. Clive, Prof Eric McCredie, Commr, Scottish Law Commn. Cobb, David Bilsland, JP, exec chm, James Fisher and Sons plc. For serv Shipping and the Shipbuilding ind. Collier, Michael Herbert, Chief exec, One North East and ltly Ch exec, Funding Agency for Schools. For serv Educ. Collins, His Honour Judge Paul Howard, Dir of Studies, Judicial Studies Board. Cook, Allan Vincent Cannon, Technical dir, Accounting Standards Board. For serv the Accountancy Profession. Cosgrave, Christopher, Headteach, St John the Divine Primary School, Lambeth, London. For serv Educ. Crane, Thomas Peter Robin, chm, R Society for Nature Conservation. For serv Wildlife Conservation. Cropper, Mrs Hilary Mary, Chief exec, FI Group. For serv the Finance ind. Culyer, Prof Anthony John, For serv Research and Development in the NHS. Deacon, John, Dir gen, Brit Phonographic ind Limited. For serv the Music ind. Drinkwater, Christopher, Gen Medical Practitioner, Newcastle upon Tyne. For serv Medicine. Duncan, Norman Fraser, Lately hd of Branch, Social Care Group, Dept of Health. Dunlop, Norman Nicolson Wallace, For serv the Engineering Construction ind Training Board.
Edwards, Prof Dianne, FRS, Distinguished Research Prof of Palaeobotany, Univ of Wales, Cardiff. For serv Botany. Elliott, Mrs Margaret, For serv Business Etherington, Gordon David, Lately ch Crown Prosecutor, Crown Prosecution Service. Farrage, Terry, Head, Immigration Service Ports Dirate, Home Off. Fay, Christopher Ernest, Lately chm and Ch exec, Shell UK Ltd. For serv the Offshore Gas and Oil ind. Ford, Sydney John, Chief exec, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, Dept for the Environment, Transport and the Regions. Fraser, Lady Antonia, Writer. For serv Literature. Galsworthy, Arthur Michael Johnstone, DL, chm, Trewithen Estates Management Company and chm, The In Pursuit of Excellence Partnership for Cornwall. For serv the commty in Cornwall. Garland, Prof Peter Bryan, For serv Cancer Research and to Biotechnol. Gavin, Anthony John, Headteach, St Margaret's Academy, Livingston. For serv Developing Standards in Educ. Gorringe, Christopher John, Chief exec, All Eng Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club. For serv Lawn Tennis. Grayson, David Roger, OBE, chm, National Disability Ccl. For serv Disabled People. Griffiths, Douglas Eric George, Commr and Dep Ch exec, The Crown Estate. Hampton, Christopher James, Playwright. For serv Literature. Hassall, Eric Ronald, DSC, chm, Brit Geological Survey. For serv Business/Science Links. Heywood, David George, chm, Remploy Ltd. For serv the Employment of Disabled People. Hills, Rodney Irad, Leader, York City Ccl. For serv Local Govt and the City of York. Hosking, Barbara Nancy, OBE, For serv Womens Issues and to Broadcasting. Hunt, Prof John Wallace, For serv Management Development. Hunter, Philip John, Dir of Educ, Staffordshire Cnty Ccl. For serv Educ. James, Ann, For serv Social Welfare. Jones, David Charles, Chief exec, Next plc. For serv the Retail ind and the commty. King, Mrs Julia Elizabeth, mgg dir, Rolls-Royce Fan Systems. For serv Materials Engineering.
Langdon, Brian, HM ch insp of Mines, Health and Safety exec, Dept for the Environment, Transport and the Regions. Lewis, Prof Meirion Francis, Lately Sen Fellow, Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, MoD. Lister, Prof Margot Ruth Aline, Prof of Social Policy, Loughborough Univ. For serv Social Issues. Lovejoy, Prof Derek Alfred Walter, For serv Landscape Architecture. MacKie, Prof Rona McLeod, Prof of Dermatology, Univ of Glasgow. For serv Dermatology and Melanoma Research. Marshall, Michael John, DL, For serv the Engineering ind and to the commty in Cambshire. Masterton, Gavin George, Treasurer and mgg dir, Bank of Scotland. For serv Banking. Moore, George Henry, TD, For serv the NHS. Morris, Jan, For serv Literature. Neame, Robert Harry Beale, DL, chm, Shepherd Neame Ltd. For serv the Brewing ind, Tourism and the commty. Newing, John, QPM, Ch Const, Derbyshire Constabulary. For serv the Police. Oakley, Christopher John, Chief exec, Regional Independent Newspapers. For serv the Newspaper ind. Olins, Wallace, For serv the use of Design in Business. Parker, Christopher Stuart, Headteach, Nottingham High School and chm, Advisory Group on Independent/State School Partnerships. For serv Educ. Patel, Chaitanya, For serv the Development of Social Care Policies. Porteous, Mrs Catherine Eleanor, For serv the Arts and to the National Ccl of One Parent Families. Prickett, Robert Andrew, Lately ch Crown Prosecutor for Wales, Crown Prosecution Service. Rae, Miss Barbara Davis, Artist. For serv Art. Reeves, Colin Leslie, Dir, Finance and Performance, NHS exec, Dept of Health. Richardson, David William, For serv the Brit Chambers of Commerce. Russell, Prof Elizabeth Mary, For serv Public Health Medicine. Russell, James Gordon, QFSM, Lately ch Fire Offr, Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service. For serv the Fire Service.
Sanderson, Bryan Kaye, Chief exec, BP Amoco Chemicals. For serv the Chemical ind. Saville, Iain David, Chief exec Offr, Crestco. For serv the Finance ind. Sharma, Sukhdev, For serv commty Relations. Shaw, Thomas Joseph, For publ serv Shelley, Roy Derek, Business Group dir, GKN Westland Helicopters Ltd. For serv the Defence ind. Odling-Smee, Mrs Anne, For serv Educ Smith, Grahame Reginald, DL, Lately dir, hd of Sellafield Site, BNFL. For serv BNFL and to the commty in Cumbria. Stevenson, Miss Juliet Anne Virginia, Actress. For serv Drama. Swainson, John Honeyman, Assistant dir, DSS. Taylor, David Malcolm, Assistant ch Veterinary Offr, Min of Agric, Fisheries and Food. Thomas, Keith John, Dir of Highways, Welsh Office. Thomas, Mrs Margaret Elspeth, For serv the Brit Red Cross Society. Thompson, John Robin, Dir, Strategic Planning, Kent Cnty Ccl. For serv Town and Country Planning. Trench, David James Knights, Site and Structures dir, Millennium Dome. For serv the Construction ind. Tritton, Alan George, DL, For serv Anglo/Indian Relations and to the Preservation of the Cultural Heritage. Turner, Michael John, exec dir, Brit Aerospace plc. For serv the Aerospace ind. Emery-Wallis, Frederick Alfred John, Leader, Hampshire Cnty Ccl. For serv the commty in Hampshire. Weale, Martin Robert, Dir, National Inst of Economic and Social Research. For serv Economics. Welch, David, Chief exec, R Parks Agency, Dept for Culture, Media and Sport. Williamson, Andrew, Dir of Social Services, Devon. For serv Social Services. Wilson, John, SCS, MOD. Wright, Canon Kenyon Edward, For serv Constitutional Reform and Devolution in Scotland.
Officer (OBE)
Adams, Charles Henry, For serv commty Relations. Adams, Lewis Drummond, Training consult, Millennium Drivers. For serv the Railway ind and to Employee Relations. Alderdice, David, For serv Local Govt. Allen, Dominic, For serv Sport. Alsop, Prof William Allen, For serv Architecture. Anderson, David James Charles, Head of Educ, Victoria and Albert Museum. For serv Museums. Anderson, Prof Michael, Prof of Economic and Social History, Univ of Edinburgh. For serv Educ. Anderson, William FT., chm, Aberlour Child Care Trust. For serv Child Welfare. Archer, Prof Desmond Brian, For serv Ophthalmic Surgery Asprey, Ernest Robin, Lately Grade 7, Intervention Board, Min of Agric, Fisheries and Food. Atkins, Gerald, Group Business Development dir, Vivendi plc. For serv the Environment through Combined Heat and Power. Ayris, Mrs Anne, Lately Grade 7, MOD. Bannister, Miss Carys Margaret, Consultant Neurosurg. For serv Neurosurgery in Manchester. Barrett, Mervyn, For serv the National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders. Barry, John, Composer. For serv Music. Baxter, Bernard William James, JP, For serv the Magistracy in North Tyneside. Beanland, Brian, chm, Park R Partnership. For serv Business and to Regeneration in London. Beattie, Mrs Moira, For serv Macmillan Nursing in Peterborough, Cambshire. Beckett, Samantha Mary Constance, Range F, HM Treas. For serv the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Committee. Bell, Sister Dorothy, For serv Educ. Bell, Mrs Maeve, For serv Consumers Bevan, John Peter, Corporate Communications exec, Sony Manufacturing. For serv ind and to the commty in Bridgend, South Wales. Bird, John Leslie, For serv the Corporation of London and to charities. Black, Don, Lyricist. For serv Music. Black, William Lilly, For serv the Univ of Kingston-upon-Hull. Boal, Prof Frederick Wilgar, For serv Regional Planning and Urban Development Bodfish, Kenneth, Member, Brighton and Hove Unitary Authority. For serv Internat Affairs in Local Govt. Bolton, Robert David, For serv the commty Bonner, Paul Max, For serv Broadcasting. Bowen, Edward Martin, For serv Secondary Educ Bracewell, Miss Julia, For serv Sport, especly Fencing. Bremner, Prof Ian, Dep dir, Rowett Research Inst. For serv Biological Science. Brown, Prof Fred, FRS, For serv the Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee. Brown, Kennedy John Henry, Clerk of the Public Accounts Committee, House of Commons. Bryson, Mungo, Farmer. For serv Agriculture and to the commty in Kirkcudbright. Burgess, Anthony Francis, Lately Area Administrator, Crown Prosecution Service.
Carr, David James, For serv the commty in Staffordshire. Duckworth-Chad, Anthony Nicholas George, DL, For serv the Country Landowners' Association and to the Rural commty. Chumrow, Ernest John, chm, Waltham Forest Housing Action Trust. For serv the Regeneration of Waltham Forest. Clark, Miss Margaret Anita, Dir, Countryside Agency. For serv Rural Development. Cochrane, Prof Peter, For serv Global Telecommuns. Coffey, Martin Sean, QFSM, Dep ch Fire Offr, London Fire and Civil Defence Authority. For serv the Fire Service. Coles, Windsor, Lately H.M. Principal Electrical Insp, Health and Safety exec, Dept of Env, Transport and the Regions. Compton, Mrs Sheila Kay, For serv the Debra Stappard Trust. Corrigan, Thomas Stephen, For serv the Charter Mark Award Scheme. Cowell, William, For serv Health Care for People with a Learning Disability. Cowley, Rowland, Ophthalmic Surgeon. For serv the Prevention of Eye Diseases in the Third World. Craig, Robert James Leslie, For serv Agriculture and to the commty Crathorne, Mrs Christine, Grade 7, Dept for Educ and Employment. Crawley, Mrs Ruth Eva, For serv Equal Opportunities in the Legal Profession. Crompton, Prof David William Thomasson, For serv the Development of Health Care Services in West Africa. Crooks, Garth, For serv the Inst of Professional Sport. Cyril, Mrs Vernester Camilla, Midwife and Ward mgr, R Gwent Hospital. For serv commty Relations in South East Wales. Das, Parag Chandra, Project dir, Bridge Management, Quality Services, Highways Agency. Davies, Morgyn, Grade 7, MOD. Davies, Peter Anthony, Dir, Stage 2 Trading, Electricity Pool of Eng and Wales. For serv the Power ind. Davies, Spencer, mgg dir, Spencer Davies Engineering. For serv the New Deal in Wales. Davies, William Bryan, For serv the Rhondda Health Care NHS Trust. Davison, Prof Peter Hobley, Research Prof of English, De Montfort Univ. For serv Literature. Deas, David Thomson, For serv the Construction ind, especly the Chartered Inst of Building. Dolan, John, Head, Central Library, Birmingham City Ccl. For serv Librarianship and Information Provision. Donaldson, Alistair, Gen mgr, Meat and Livestock Commn. For serv the Meat and Livestock ind. Druitt, Stephen John Whittick, mgg dir, SIAS Ltd. For serv Improving Traffic Modelling. Dunbar, John Greenwell, For serv Architectural History. Durcan, James, Principal, Ruskin College, Oxf. For serv Adult Educ. Dyas, Hugh Roger, For serv Sugar Beet Research and Development. Edwards, John Brian, Grade 6, MOD. Elliott, Walter, JP, For serv Farming Ellis, Prof Roger Alfred Fairhurst, For serv Third Level Educ Elstrop, John, JP, For serv the Administration of Justice in Durham. Etwell, Michael William James, Lately exec dir Production, Eurostar Ltd. For serv the Rail ind. Everington, Anthony Herbert, Gen Medical Practitioner, London. For serv Inner City Primary Care. Farquhar, Charles Don Petrie, Member, Dundee City Ccl. For serv Local Govt and to the commty. Feore Mrs Margaret Brigid. For publ serv., Ferguson, Ian Keith, For serv Palynology and Botany and to the R Botanic Gardens, Kew. Filleul, Donald George, For serv the Cultural and Historical Heritage of Jersey. Fisher, David John Harvey, For serv the NHS in Wales. Ford, Cedric Denis, For charitable serv the Univ and City of Nottingham. Forrest, John Barclay, Farmer. For serv UK Cereals Exports. Fraser, George MacDonald, Author. For serv Literature. Frith, Anthony John, Lately hd Prison Catering Services, Prison Service, Home Off. Fuhr, Michael John, Project dir, Channel Tunnel Rail Link, Dept of Env, Transport and the Regions. Gee, Anne Alison, For serv the Brit Red Cross Society in Dorset.
Gibbons, Mrs Marilyn Elizabeth, Lately Headteach, Caia Park Nursery School, Wrexham. For serv Nursery Educ. Gibbs, John Newton, Head of Pathology, Forest Research, Forestry Commn. Gibson, Simon, Presdt and Ch exec, Ubiquity Software Ltd. For serv ind and to the commty in South Wales. Gordon, Prof Frederick James, For publ serv Green, Prof David John, RAF. For serv the Spitfire Society. Griffin, Miss Rosamund Lydia, For serv the Rothschild Collection, Waddesdon Manor. Hamilton, John Lloyd, Dir and chm, Cnty Durham Training and Enterprise Ccl. For serv ind, Training and Educ Issues. Hammond, Peter John, Lately Grade 7, Dept of Env, Transport and the Regions. Harding, Dennis, For charitable serv in Derbyshire. Hassall, Tom Grafton, Lately sec/Ch exec, R Commn on the Historical Monuments of Eng. Hayward, Antony Worraker, For serv the National Association of Local Ccls. Hayward, Miss Beryl Minnie, JP, For serv the Administration of Justice in Shropshire. Hayward, John Charles Frederick, Registrar and sec, Univ of Durham and Provost, Univ of Durham, Stockton Campus. For serv Higher Educ Management. Healey, Prof Patsy, Dir, Centre for Research in European Urban Environments, Dept of Town and Country Planning, Univ of Newcastle. For serv Planning. Herriot, Walter John, mgg dir, St John's Innovation Centre Ltd., Camb. For serv ind in East Eng. Hewitt, Peter James, Lately dir, commty and Social Services, Salford City Ccl. For serv Social Services. Hofmann, Dietrich Adolf, Dir, Design Unit, Univ of Newcastleupon Tyne. For serv the R Navy. Horley, Sandra, Chief exec, Refuge. For serv the Protection of Women and Children suffering Domestic Violence. Howarth, Miss Valerie Georgina, For serv ChildLine. Hughes, Enda, Constable, West Midlands Police. For serv Crime Reduction in Coventry. Hughes, J. Quentin, MC*, For serv Architecture and Conservation in North West Eng. Hunt, Judith Anne, Lately Ch exec, Local Govt Management Board. For serv Equal Opportunities. Hutton, Brig Geoffrey William, DL, For serv the Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen's Families Association in Avon and Severnside. Innes, Mrs Elizabeth Margaret, JP, For serv the Administration of Justice in Leeds. Jenkins, Mrs Joan Millicent, BEM, For serv Women's Health Concern. Jenkins, John Robin, Author. For serv Literature. Johnson, Travis Lloyd, For serv commty Action and Support against Crime in Leeds. Jones, Brian George, For serv Ballooning. Jones, Prof George William, For serv the National Consumer Ccl. Jones, Neil Trevor, Headteach, Ysgol Glanymor Comprehensive, Pwllheli. For serv Standards and Leadership in Educ. Keenan, Mrs Marjorie, For serv People with Learning Disabilities Kemsley, Ronald Hugh, For serv the Winged Fellowship Trust and to Disabled People. Khan, Naseem Fatima, For serv Cultural Diversity.
Khan, Mrs Rosemarie, For serv Standards in Dental Hygiene. Kinder, Ernest Townley, JP, Presdt, Bradford and District Association for Deaf People. For serv Disabled People and to the commty in West Yorkshire. King, Norman James, chm, WHO Pan-European Task Force on National Environmental Health Action Plans. For serv Environment and Health. Kreuzer, Michael H., Dir, Technical and UK. For serv the Medical Systems ind. Ladd, Alan George, Lately asst Comptroller, National Investment and Loans Office. Lakhanpaul, Bhupindar Kumar, Assistant dir, HM Bd of In Rev. Last, Prof Frederick, Lately Member, Scottish Natural Heritage. For serv Environmental Science. Law, Miss Catherine, Sen Research Fellow, MRC Environmental Epidemiology Unit, Univ of Southampton. For serv Public Health. Lawrence, Susanna Lucy, Gen Medical Practitioner, Leeds. For serv Patient Care, especly for Drug Misusers. Layton, Robert Henry, Lately Grade 6, DSS. Leaman, Alan John, For polit and publ serv. Luxton, Roger Geoffrey, Principal Insp, London Borough of Barking and Dagenham. For serv Educ Standards. MacIver, Mrs Valerie, chm, Highland Ccl Educ Committee. For serv Educ. Mallender, Christopher Ian, For serv Unempl People and to the New Deal in Rotherham, South Yorkshire. Marsh, Mrs Jean Mary, chm, Shropshire Cnty Ccl. For serv Local Govt and to the commty. Marshall, Ernest Harold, For serv the St. John Ambulance Brigade in Essex. Mason, Miss Angela, exec dir, Stonewall. For serv Homosexual rights. McBride, Prof Adam Clark, For serv the Understanding of Mathematics in Schools. McCartney, John Alphonsus, For publ serv McKenna, Liam Gerard, Founder and exec dir, R. Frazier Ltd. For serv the Computer ind and to the Environment. McNamara, William, mgg dir, Oakwood Leisure Park, Pembrokeshire. For serv Tourism in Wales.
Melluish, Michael Edward Lovelace, Treasurer, Marylebone Cricket Club. For serv Cricket. Miles, Prof John, Ecological Adviser to the sec of State for Scotland, Scott Off. Miles, Keith C., For serv Anglo/Slovenian Relations. Millbanks, Colin, Chief exec, Mayne Nickless Express North America and Europe. For serv the Variety Club. Moorcroft, David Robert, MBE, For serv Athletics. Moorcroft, Walter, Potter. For serv the Ceramic ind in Britain. Morgan, Mrs Anne Winifred, For serv the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux, Wales. Morris, Arthur MacGregor, Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Tayside Univ Hospitals NHS Trust. For serv Plastic Surgery and to the BMA. Morris, Richard Sidney, Lately mgg dir, CPRC. For serv Export and to Credit Insurance. Morrison, Mrs Patricia, Technical Adviser, H.M. Bd of In Rev. Morse, Cerri Martin, Headteach, Penrhys Junior School, Rhondda Cynon Taff. For serv Educ. Moss, Leonard Arthur, For serv the commty on Guernsey. Mowatt, Allan MacKinnon, chm, South Eastern Branch of the Inst of Highways and Transportation. For serv Highways and Transportation. Murray, Prof James Lothian, Dir of Business Development, Scottish Design Ltd. For serv Business Development. Murray, Jennifer Susan, Presenter, Womans Hour. For serv Radio Broadcasting. Myers, William George, Joint chm, Health and Safety exec/Local Authority Enforcement Liaison Committee. For serv Health and Safety. New, Michael Bernard, For serv Aquaculture in Developing Countries. Nott, Mrs Gillian, Lately Ch exec, ProShare. For serv Financial Educ.
Oman, Frederick Joseph, Project mgr, HMS Ocean, GEC Marine. For serv the Shipbuilding ind. Owen, David, exec dir, Share the Vision. For serv Librarianship and Information Provision. Pack, Brian Sidney, Chief exec, ANM Group Ltd. For serv the Agriculture, Food and Marketing Industries in Scotland. Parrish, Alan Albert, Nurse Adviser in Learning Disabilities, R College of Nursing. For serv Nursing. Partridge, Nicholas Wyndham, Chief exec, Terrence Higgins Trust. For serv people affected by HIV/AIDS. Passmore, Miss Elizabeth Louise, Head, School Improvement Division, Office for Standards in Educ. Patel, Kamlesh Kumar, For serv Health Issues within Ethnic minority communities. Paterson, Prof William Edgar, Dir, Inst for German Studies, Univ of Birmingham. For serv German Scholarship. Peppiatt, Brian Kenneth, For serv Save the Children. Perolls, Graham Keith, For serv the Ellenor Foundation. Perry, John Charles, Assistant dir, Consumer Affairs Dirate, Dept of Trade and Indust. Petch, Mrs Patricia Ann, JP, Chair, National Governors Ccl. For serv Educ. Phillips, Prof David, Head, Dept of Chemistry, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine. For serv Science Educ. Pieters, Mrs Margaret, Constable, Met Pol. For serv the Police. Pirie, Mrs Stella, chm, WESTEC. For serv Training and Enterprise in the former Cnty of Avon. Plant, Mrs Dilys, Lately Grade 5, Office of Water Services. Poole, Prof Nigel John, External and Regulatory Affairs mgr, Zeneca Plant Science. For serv the Biotechnol ind. Prince, Mrs Katrine Elisabeth, For serv professional Tourist Guiding. Prophet, Col Brian Ernest Maitland, TD, DL, For serv the Soldiers, Sailors and Airmens Families Association in Bedfordshire. Puddle, Dennis Wyndham, BEM, For serv Local Govt and to the commty in Blaenavon, South Wales. Purves, Elizabeth Mary, Writer and Broadcaster. For serv Journalism. Purves, Robert, Lately dir of Operations, Nursing and Quality, R Infirmary of Edinburgh NHS Trust. For serv Health Care. Rattenbury, Ruth Mary, Lately hd of Exhibitions, Tate Gallery. For serv Visual Arts. Rea, Mrs Elsbeth, For serv the Police Reardon, The Reverend John Patrick, Gen sec, the Ccl for Churches of Britain and Ireland. For serv Ecumenicalism. Reid, John Mackay, Chartered Patent Agent. For serv the Patent Profession. Richards, Mrs Janice Kay, MBE, Assistant private sec to the Prime Minr. Richardson, James, QPM, Lately Dep ch Constable, Strathclyde Police. For serv the Police. Riches, Miss Ann Clare, For serv the Preservation of Buildings. Rigby, Mrs Rosamund, Co-dir, Folkwks. For serv Traditional Music and to the Arts in the North of Eng. Risman, Mrs Ann Margaret, Principal, Richmond Adult and commty College, Surrey. For serv Further Educ. Ritchie, William Malcolm, Lately chm, North Ayrshire and Arran NHS Trust. For serv Health Care. Robinson, Philip Bradbury, Lately chm, Business Link, North Derbyshire. For serv ind and Commerce. Rosenthal, John William, Lately Ch exec Offr, GKN Defence, For serv the Defence ind. Row, William George, Dir, Technical Services, Corporation of London. For serv the City of London.
Sahni, Mrs Usha, Headteach, Argyle Primary School, Kings Cross, London. For serv Educ. Saunders, Mrs Michaela Sarah Sheila, Headteach, Shaw Park Primary School, Hull. For serv Educ. Scott, Richard Peter, Grade 6, MOD. Shiells, Peter Charles, Divisional dir, Bachy Soletanche Ltd. For serv the Construction ind. Smart, Mrs Margaret Mary, Dir, Catholic Educ Service. For serv Educ. Smith, Mrs Audrey, Member, Inland Waterways Amenity Advisory Committee. For serv the Inland Waterways Association. Smith, Colin, Chief exec, Oldham Metropolitan Borough Ccl. For serv the Regeneration of Oldham, Lancashire. Smith, Douglas Percy, For serv the R Brit Legion. Smith, Robert James, Grade 6, H.M. Land Registry, Lord Chancellors Dept. Sparks, Ian, For serv The Children's Society. Spratling, Derek James, Team Leader, Valuation Office Agency, HM Bd of In Rev. Steele, Miss Beryl, Lately dir, Thames Reach. For serv Homeless People. Stephens, Prof Christopher David, Head, Division of Child Dental Health, Univ of Bristol. For serv the use of IT in the Dental Profession and to Educ. Stevens, Edward Allen, JP, For serv the Administration of Justice in Dorset. Stewart, Mrs Patricia Lesley, Headteach, Clatterbridge School, Wirral. For serv Special Needs Educ. Stokes, Aidan Bertram Gordon, Principal, North Warwickshire and Hinckley College. For serv Educ Policy. Stoller, Norman Kelvin, MBE, DL, Presdt, Seton Scholl Group plc. For serv the Business commty in Manchester. Stratton, Christopher Harry, chm, Forestry Commns Regional Advisory Committee for the Midlands and East Eng. For serv Forestry. Swan, Peter Thomas, For serv the Sea Cadets Association. Swan, Thomas Macklyn, chm and mgg dir, Thomas Swan and Company. For serv the Chemical ind.
Taylor, Andrew Dawson, Dir and hd, ISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. For serv Neutron Scattering. Taylor, Miss Valerie Margaret, mgr, Information Services, Export Credit Guarantee Dept, Dept of Trade and Indust. Teasdale, Mrs Therese Mary, Dir of Personnel, Finance and Services, Thames Valley Police. For serv the Police. Thomson, William John, Presdt, ASIA, Clyde Blowers plc. For serv Export. Thurgate, Trevor Richard, Lately Grade 6, MOD. Trant, William, For serv commty Relations. Trundle, Mrs Shirley Jean, Grade 5, Childcare Unit, Dept for Educ and Employment. Uren, John Michael Leal, For serv the R London Society for the Blind. Vann, Michael William, Assistant dir, H.M. Bd of In Rev. Vass, Mrs Diana Janet, Head of Publications, NHS Estates, Dept of Health. Verdin, Maj Philip George, MC, DL, For serv the R Brit Legion and to Agriculture in Herefordshire. Walters, Miss Julie, Actress. For serv Drama. Watling, Kenneth Alan, Head, Efficiency and Pte Finance Unit, H.M. Board of Customs and Excise. Watts, Eric Laurence, Lately Cnty Youth and commty Offr, Kent. For serv Young People. Webber, John, Lately Grade 7, MOD. Williams, Colin, Dir of Carers Support, the Princess R Trust for Carers. For serv Carers and to the Voluntary Sector. Williamson, Hector Alexander, Regional dir of Sales, R Mint. Wilmut, Prof Ian, Project Leader, Roslin Inst, Edinburgh. For serv Embryo Development. Wilson, John Robert, Dir gen, Brit Apparel and Textile Confedn. For serv the Clothing and Textiles ind. Wooding, Jeremy Michael, mgg dir, Internat Marketing and Sales, Brit Aerospace. For serv the Aviation ind. Youngs, Arthur Ernest John, Lately Grade 7, MoD.
Member (MBE)
Adams, Miss Jean Rosemary, For serv the Easdale Island Folk Museum, Argyll. Adams, Tony, For serv Association Football. Aiken, Miss Joan Delano, Author. For serv Childrens Literature. Alcock, Mrs Nina Rose, For serv Educ in Suffolk. Anderson, James MacMillan, For serv Organic Farming. Anderson, John Lothian, Lately Sen Agricultural Economist, Scottish Agricultural College. For serv Agriculture. Anson, Douglas Arthur, Postman. For serv the R Mail and to the commty in Marlow, Buckinghamshire. Arman, Charles Marcus, For serv the Thaxted Society and to Conservation. Bagnall, Mrs Dorothy May, For serv the commty in Whitley Bay, Tyne and Wear. Bain, Mrs Mavis Fraser, For serv Educal Examinations in Scotland. Baker, Mrs Cherry, For serv the Risborough commty Association, Buckinghamshire. Baker, Kenny, For serv Jazz Music. Baker, Terence William, For serv the Disabled Drivers Association in Swansea. Bakewell, Mrs Cathy, For polit and publ serv. Balmer, Thomas Longstaff, Farm worker. For serv Traditional Farming Skills and Methods. Banks, Mrs Patricia Ann, Clerical Support Team Leader, H.M. Bd of In Rev. Barber, James, For serv the St Andrews Ambulance Service. Barnes, Miss Christine, Revenue Offr, H.M. Bd of In Rev. Barnett, Peter R.O., For serv the sec of State for Scotlands Fisheries Committee. Barrack, Hoyland, For serv the R Brit Legion in Boston, Lincolnshire. Bartholomew, Miss Dorothy Francis, For serv Christian Aid in Norwich, Norfolk. Barton, Mrs Marie-Noelle, For serv the Engineering Ccls Women into Science and Engineering Campaign. Beacom, Brian, Lately Convener, Greater Glasgow Health Ccl. For serv Health and to the commty. Beale, Mrs Betty, For charitable serv the commty through Music in Rotherham, South Yorkshire. Beck, Mrs Joan Margaret Elizabeth, For serv the commty in Holmfirth, Huddersfield. Beeches, Mrs Audrey Amelia Mary, For serv the South Reach Youth Club, Erith, Kent. Bell, George Douglas, For serv the Univ of Paisley and to the commty. Benson, Terrance Robert, Ancillary Heavy Cleaner, GEC Marine. For serv the Defence ind. Berry, Jack, For serv the commty in Chipping, Lancashire. Bevan, Brian William, Superintendent Coxswain, Humber boat Station. For serv Maritime Safety. Birnie, James, For serv Working Conditions in the Construction ind. Bishop, Edward James, Constable, Gwent Constabulary. For serv Young People in Newport. Black, Miss Susan, For serv the commty in Troutbeck, Cumbria. Blackburn, Mrs Barbara Mary Vyvyan, For serv the Board of Visitors, H.M. Prison Risley. Blackburn, Mrs Hilda Ruvena, For serv the WRVS at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee. Blackmore, Timothy John, For serv Independent Radio Production. Blain, Thomas, Sen Traffic Warden, Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary. For serv the commty. Bloxham, Tom, For serv Architecture and Urban Regeneration in Liverpool and Manchester.
Blyth, McGregor, Higher exec Offr, Office of Fair Trading. Boddington, John, Principal Prison Offr, Prison Service, Home Off. Bond, Miss Christine Anne, For serv Broxtowe Estate Enterprises, Nottingham. Bowes, Mrs Olive Gwendoline, For serv the R saving Society UK. Bowker, John Albert, chm, Isle of Wight Ccl. For serv the commty on the Isle of Wight. Bowles, Mrs Anne Catherine, For serv the Newton Heath Youth and commty Association, Manchester. Bowyer, Miss Elsie, For humanitarian serv in Bosnia. Boyd, Miss Doris Vera, Volunteer, St. Botolphs Project. For serv Homeless People in London. Brady, Mrs June Sylvia, Lately Support mgr, Min of Agric, Fisheries and Food. Brannan, David, For serv Young People in Rymney, South Wales. Bridges, Patrick Cecil, For serv the Magistrates Court and to the commty in Bath and Wansdyke. Brittin, Miss Janette, For serv Womens Cricket. Broadbent, Mrs Iris Shirley, For serv the commty in the West Midlands. Broadbent, Mrs Ivy Victoria, For serv Road Safety in Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire. Brockbank, Mrs Clare Elizabeth, For serv the Armitt Library, Ambleside, Cumbria. Brooks, John Stanley, For serv 75 Squadron Association.
Brown, Mrs Anne-Marie, Support mgr, Min of Agric, Fisheries and Food. Brown, Anthony Valentine, Air Traffic Control Offr. For serv Aviation. Paterson-Brown, Mrs Elizabeth Margaret, For serv Curling. Brown, Mrs Enid May, For serv the 3H Fund and to Disabled People. Brown, Mrs Pamela Ada, For serv the Friends of the Merseyside Maritime Museum. Brown, Mrs Ruth, Ward mgr, York District Hospital. For serv Nursing. Brown, Stuart Charles, Lead Pensions Administrator, NHS Pensions Agency, Dept of Health. Knox- Browne, Mervyn Hervey, JP, For serv Conservation and to the commty in Perthshire. Bruce, Miss Anna Cook Mair-McColl, exec Offr, Benefits Agency, DSS. Buckingham, Michael Nevett, Volunteer, Crisis. For serv Homeless People. Buckle, John, Lt, 146th London Boys Brigade Company, Notting Hill. For serv the Boys Brigade. Buckton, Mrs Christine Mary, Educ consult. For serv Family Literacy. Burdett, Mrs Ivy Mary, Footwear Perforator, Alfred Sargent and Sons Ltd. For serv the Footwear ind. Burgess, Mrs Joan, For serv Mentally and Physically Handicapped People in Buckinghamshire. Burnett, Mrs Sarah Elizabeth, For serv the Chamber of Commerce and ind Movement Burns, William, For serv Primary Educ and to the Arts Busby, Leslie, For serv the Police Buss, Roland Walter, Safety consult and vice chm, National Health and Safety Groups Ccl. For serv Health and Safety at Work. Byham, Geoffrey Malcolm, Chief Engineer, GKN Westland Helicopters. For serv Helicopter Blade Development.
Caithness, George Sutherland, For serv the commty in St Andrews, Fife. Calder, Mrs Dorothy Joan, For serv the commty, especly Health Care, in Cambshire. Calvert, Mrs Elizabeth Marjorie, Lately School Crossing Patrol. For serv Road Safety in North Yorkshire. Cameron, Derek MacPherson, Proprietor, Dominion Cinema, Edinburgh. For serv the Entertainment ind. Camp, Anthony John, For serv the Society of Genealogists. Campbell, Mrs The Honourable Jennet, For serv Educ and to Music in Cornwall. Campbell, William, Plant and Transport mgr, Esso Exploration and Production UK Ltd. For serv the Oil ind Carter, Miss Eva Cathleen, For serv The Boys Brigade and to the commty in Brighton, East Sussex. Carthew, Mrs Teresa Anne, For serv the Avon and Somerset Constabulary. Chadwick, Howard, mgg dir, Claro Precision Engineering Ltd. For serv ind and Small Businesses in North Yorkshire. Chambers, Lasburn, For serv the Greater Manchester Probation Service and commty Relations. Chapman, Mrs Margaret Rose, Member, East Riding of Yorkshire Ccl. For serv the commty in Bridlington. Checksfield, Mrs Annette Margaret, Higher exec Offr, Prison Service, Home Off. Cherry, Miss Judith Ann, Dir, Korea Business Services. For serv Export to Korea. Chester, Andrew, Voluntary Observer, Meteorological Office, Nottinghamshire. Cheyne, James Andrews, exec Offr, DSS. Choudhury, Faizur Rahman, For serv commty Relations in Birmingham. Clark, Mrs Elizabeth, Lately School Crossing Patrol, Annette Street Primary School, Glasgow. For serv Road Safety. Clark, Peter Hewitt Peterson, Coxswain Mechanic, Lerwick boat. For serv the RNLI. Clarke, Col Henry Leslie, TD, For serv the commty, especly Young People, in Ealing. Clayton, Mrs Rose, Nursery Leader, Tartan Tots Day Nursery, R Cornhill Hospital, Aberdeen. For serv Nursery Educ.
Cockman, George Alborough, For serv the commty, especly Educ, in Steyning, West Sussex. Coggrave, Mrs Sheila, For serv the Samaritans Prison Support. Cole, Mrs Margaret McCubbin, For serv the commty, especly Stanmore Primary School, in Hampshire. Collins, Mrs Margaret, Site mgr, Princess of Wales Hospital, Bridgend. For serv the NHS. Compton, Miss Freda, For serv the commty in Hartlepool, Cleveland. Concannon, Miss Undine, For serv the London Planetarium. Connock, Stephen Leslie, chm and Ch exec, Inst of Customer Service. For serv Human Resource Management. Connolly, Mrs Barbara Mary, For serv the Liverpool College Choral Society. Connolly, Seamus, For serv ind Constance, Ivan James, Lately Sen Capt, ARC Manne Ltd. For serv the Marine Dredging ind. Cook, Laurence Douglas, For serv the R Naval Association and to Young People in Letchworth, Hertfordshire. Cooper, Mrs Sheila Maureen, Lately Welfare dir. For serv the Motor and Allied Trades Benevolent Fund. Cope, Mrs Maureen, For serv the Ardenglen Housing Association. Corran, Robert Jerome, Coxswain, Douglas boat. For serv the RNLI on the Isle of Man. Cotton, Robert Charles, For serv the Preservation of Churches. Courtier, Peter, Dir, Bristol Racial Equality Ccl. For serv the commty. Cowap, Mrs Kathleen, For serv the commty, especly First Aid, in Swansea. Cowie, Anne Louise, For serv the Citizens Advice Bureau and the commty in Saltash, Cornwall. Cox, John Andrew, For serv the Soldiers, Sailors and Airmens Families Association in Cheshire. Cox, Michael Joseph Eugene, For serv the commty in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire. Coyne, Mrs Dinah, For serv the Campden Voluntary Help Group in Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire. Cozens, David Darcy, For serv the Huntingdonshire Local History Society. Crabb, Michael, For serv Music in Southend on Sea, Essex. Cranmer, Edmund Bootes, For serv the commty in Denton, Manchester.
Crathorne, Maurice, Member, Durham City Ccl and Coxhoe Parish Ccl. For serv Local Govt and to the commty in Coxhoe. Cribb, Douglas Andrew, For serv the Citizens Advice Bureau in Bordon, Hampshire. Croft, Clifford Charles, For serv Disabled People in Neath and Port Talbot. Crozier, James, For serv the Fire Service Culwick, Mrs Rita, Lately Sen Pers sec, Dept of Health. Curtis, Miss Gillian, For serv Disabled People on Jersey. Curtis, Mrs Margaret Mary, JP, For serv the Citizens Advice Bureau in Chelmsley Wood, West Midlands. Dalglish, Miss Janet Margaret, For serv Children's Play Schemes. Davidson, Albert, For serv the Alnwick Talking Newspaper in Northumberland. Davidson, Basil John, For publ serv Dawson, The Rev Canon Norman William, For serv RELATE in Greater Manchester. Day, Cyril Clive Beynon, For serv the Development of Educ and Technical Provision in South-East Wales. Day, Darron, Milkman. For serv the communities of Ightham and Borough Green, Kent. Dean, Peter, For serv Photographic Journalism in Lincolnshire. Deering, Mrs Joyce Sylvia, Pers sec, MoD. Dennis, Douglas John, chm, Guidance Enterprises Group. For serv Educ in North Yorkshire. Dickinson, Mrs Jane, Sen Pers sec, Dept for Educ and Employment. Dingley, Mrs Sylvia Helen Louise, Lately Administrative asst, DSS. Dinkin, Mrs Derina Tanya, For serv the commty in Surrey. Doak, John, Farm mgr, Balig Farm, Ayrshire. For serv Agriculture. Dobson, Miss Dorothy Ann, Assistant dir, Dept of Physical Educ, Univ of Dundee. For serv Physical Educ, partic for Elderly People. Dodds, Eric Hopper, For serv the commty in Kings Lynn, Norfolk. Dodds, Maj Gordon Ronald, For serv the Ex-Services Mental Welfare Society. Dolan, Gerard Patrick Antony, Gen Medical Practitioner, Paisley. For serv Medicine. Dongre, Sharatchandra Anant, Lately Higher exec Offr, Dept for Educ and Employment. Dornan, Joseph Patrick, For publ serv Dove, Alfred Thomas, Lately Member, Basildon District Ccl. For serv Local Govt in Basildon, Essex. Dowell, Ian Malcolm, Editor, Birmingham Evening Mail. For serv the Newspaper ind. Doyle, Mrs Mary Elisabeth Christina, Administrative Offr, MOD. Drayne, Mrs Eileen, For charitable serv the commty Drew, Clarence, For polit and publ serv. Drinkwater, John Beaumont, Member, Harbury Parish Ccl. For serv the commty in Harbury, Warwickshire. Drury, John Henry, For serv the commty in Binbrook, Lincolnshire. Dugdale, Mrs Josephine, JP, For serv the Citizens Advice Bureau in Stevenage, Hertfordshire. Dunlop, Mrs Elizabeth Johnston Wilson, For serv the commty in Wittering, Cambshire. Durrant, Mrs Gillian Margaret, For serv the WRVS in Norfolk.
Earle, Robbie, For serv Association Football. Edmiston, James Shan, For serv the commty in Kinghorn, Fife. Edwards, Mrs Joyce, For serv the commty through Music in Abertillery, South Wales. Elliot, Mrs Rose, For serv Vegetarian Cooking. Elliott, John Charles Kennedy, For serv the NSPCC in Manchester. Elliott, Roderick, Duty Station mgr, Northern Line, London Underground. For serv London Transport. Elliott, William Frederick Edmond, For serv the commty, especly Young Peoples Sport, in East Ham, London. England, Mrs Annie, School Nurse, Wigan Leigh Area Health Service Trust. For serv Health Care. Ennals, Mrs Kay Kathleen Ethel, For serv the WRVS in Dorset. Trevor-Evans, Miss Audrey, For serv the commty, especly the provision of Health Care, in Barnet, London. Evans, Mrs Beryl, Vice pres, Gloucestershire Ccl for Voluntary Youth Services. For serv Young People. Evans, Mrs Diana Grace, Lately Warden, King George VI Memorial Hostel, Capel-Y-Ffin. For serv Young People and to the commty. Evans, Miss Glenys Margaret, Pers sec, MoD. Evans, Mrs Patricia Margaret, For serv Berkshire Family Mediation. Every, Mrs Lynn, Typist, Lord Chancellor's Dept. Fairbairn, Mrs The Honourable Elizabeth, chm, Lothian Housing Association. For serv Housing. Fay, Peter Richard, Sen Trades Offr, Prison Service, Home Off. Finch, Winifred, Mrs Feaver. For serv Tennis in Yorkshire.
Fellows, Mrs Margaret Rose Linda, Typist, Crown Prosecution Service. Fennell, Mrs Susan, For serv the Brit Red Cross Society in Hertfordshire. Ferguson, Forbes, Lately Retained Sub-Offr, Strathclyde Fire Brigade. For serv the Fire Service. Ferres, Mrs Sheila Elizabeth, For serv Physiotherapy in Banchory, Kincardineshire. Field, Robert, Lately Sen Professional and Technology Offr, Driver Vehicle and Licensing Agency, Dept of Env, Transport and the Regions. Figgures, Mrs Judith Campbell, For serv Sailing for People with Disabilities. Firth, Mrs Margaret Yvonne, For serv the London North War Pensions Committee. Fisher, John Boyd, Principal, Fisher Associates. For serv Educ and Training in the Construction ind. Fisher, William George, Signaller, Railtrack. For serv the Railway commty in the Cotswolds. Fitzgerald, Miss Mary Bernadette, C2, Cabinet Office. Foden, William Dennis Frederick, For serv the Stafford League of Hospital Friends and to Mental Health Care. Foster, Ronald, For serv Countryside Conservation on the North Yorkshire Moors. Fox, Nicholas Martin, Sen Professional and Technology Offr, MOD. Fox, Peter John, For serv the commty in Redbourn, Hertfordshire. Frampton, Charles Frederick, School Crossing Patrol. For serv Road Safety and the commty in Titchfield, Hampshire. Frampton, Victor Edward Percy, Sen Scientific Offr, MOD. Frankland, Miss Helga Maud Tonynbee, Vice-pres, Cumbria Wildlife Trust. For serv Nature Conservation in Cumbria. Frapple, Mrs Sarah Jane, For polit and publ serv. Friend, Christopher Edward Berkeley, For serv Sight Savers Internat. Fullman, Alfred, For serv the Salvation Army in Port Talbot.
Gainer, Raymond, For charitable serv in Wigan. Gammon, Mrs Daphne, For serv the commty, especly Young People, in Harting, West Sussex. Garner, Charles Henry Ronald, For serv the Master Tailors Benevolent Association and Tailors Benevolent Inst. Garrett, Mrs Beryl June, For serv the Brit Red Cross Society in Bedfordshire. Gay, Anthony Douglas, Dep Principal, Kidderminster College, Worcestershire. For serv Further Educ. Gee, Mrs Christina May, Lately Curator, Keats House, Hampstead. For serv Literary Scholarship. Gent, Mrs Ursula Margaret, For serv the commty in Portsmouth, Hampshire. Gillies, Mrs Irene, District Nurse, Brechin Health Centre, Angus NHS Trust. For serv Health Care. Gladden, Raymond Hugh, For serv the commty, especly through the Rotary Club, in Crewe, Cheshire. Gleave, William, mgg dir, Northern Textiles plc. For serv Employment Creation in Lancashire. Glover, Richard Jeremy, Youth Leader, Bolton Lads and Girls Club. For serv Young People. Goddard, William, For serv the commty in Whiteleas, Tyne and Wear. Gordon, Reginald Peter, For serv the commty, especly St. Oswald's Hospice, in Newcastle upon Tyne. Gowan, Murray, For serv the commty in Cornwall. Gower, Mrs Beryl June, Court mgr, Lord Chancellors Dept. Gowing, Mrs Muriel Eirwen, Typist, Valuation Office Agency, H.M. Bd of In Rev. Graham, Malcolm John, For serv the commty in Back, Isle of Lewis. Gratland, Mrs Kathleen Maude, For serv the commty in Neath, South Wales. Gregory, Alan, Sen exec Offr, DSS. Greig, James Mundie, For serv War Disabled in Aberdeenshire. Grimaldi, Christopher Beaufort, Youth Worker, Southmead, Bristol. For serv Young People. Grindley, Mrs Flora May, For serv the commty, especly Ringmer Link, in Ringmer, East Sussex. Gulliver, William Albert, For serv the commty in Reading, Berkshire. Gwilliam, Graham David, For serv the commty in Barry, South Wales.
Haikings, Mrs Mollie, For serv the commty in Houghton-le-Spring, Tyne and Wear. Hall, Mrs Florence, For serv the WRVS in Cnty Durham. Hall, Mrs Phyllis, For serv the St. John Ambulance Brigade in North Yorkshire. Hamann, Mrs Joan Alexandrina, Administrative Offr, Procurator Fiscals Office, Lochmaddy. Hampton, Mrs Phyllis, For serv the commty in Deeside, Flintshire. Hancox, Keith Albert, Lately Telephonist. For serv Barclays Bank. Hardy, Stephen Philip, Member, Ibstock commty Enterprise Ltd. For serv the Regeneration of Ibstock, Leicestershire. Harris, Anthony Martin, Sen Fire Control Operator, Bedfordshire and Luton Fire and Rescue Service. For serv the Fire Service. Harrison, David Fletcher, Group Customer Services mgr, H.M. Bd of In Rev. Mrs Carol Hart, TB Clinical Nurse Specialist Kingston and Richmond, Surrey. For serv Health Care. Harvey, Alfred Thomas William, Trustee, Leopold Muller Estate. For serv Charity. Harvey, The Reverend John Wilfred, Woodworker. For serv Truro Cathedral, Cornwall. Hasan, Mahmud, For serv commty Relations in London. Haxby, William John, Environment Protection Offr, Environment Agency. For serv Environmental Protection and the communities in Filey and Scarborough. Hay, Thomas Vivian, For serv Local Govt and to the commty in Pembroke Dock, West Wales. Hayhoe, Geoffrey Sidney William, For serv the RAF Benevolent Fund. Heap, Robert David, Presdt, Inst of Refrigeration. For serv the Refrigeration ind. Hill, Mrs Sarah Winifred Joy, For serv the Cardiac Care Association Hitchmough, Peter, JP, Sub Offr, Merseyside Fire Brigade. For serv the commty in Merseyside. Hodson, Martin Neil, For serv the commty in Caerphilly.
Holt, Mrs Lucienne, Dog Carer, Greater Manchester Police. For serv Animal Welfare. Hoole, Mrs Mary Ann, For serv the commty in Wroot, North Lincolnshire. Hopkins, Roy, Lately ch Steward I, R Logistics Corps, MOD. Howell, The Reverend Brian, For serv the commty in the Teams area of Gateshd, Tyne and Wear. Howey, Miss Kate, For serv Judo. Hoy, Ian Alan, Gun Fitter, MOD. Hughes, Christopher John, Professional and Technology Offr, MOD. Hughes, Mrs Jill Mary, exec Offr, Benefits Agency, DSS. Hughes, Leroy Billy, For serv Youth Sport in Manchester. Hull, Mrs Barbara, For serv MIND in Kettering, Northamptonshire. Humphreys, Mrs Bessie, For serv the commty in Glasgow. Hunter, Harold Joseph, For serv the Police. Hutchison, Mrs Lilian Marguarite, For serv Elderly People in Dunfermline, Fife. Ince, Daniel McGregor, For serv Young People and the commty in East London. Innes, Fred, For serv the commty in Winlaton, Tyne and Wear. Ireland, William Fraser, Sen exec Offr, MOD. Isaac, Bert, For serv Art Educ in Wales. Ivers, Mrs Vera, For serv Elderly People in Staffordshire. Jacklin, Miss Janet Evelyn, For serv Mentally Ill People in Colchester, Essex. Jama, Ahmed Abdi, Assistant dir Facilities, Preston Acute Hospitals NHS Trust. For serv the NHS. James, Andrew, For serv Tourism in Nottingham. James, Mrs Auriel Irene, For serv Charity Search. James, Edmund David Ninian, For charitable serv in Newport, South Wales. Jamieson, Mrs Ann, JP, For charitable serv the commty in Middleton, Greater Manchester. Jeffrey, Howard Philip Maxim, Mentor Programme Co-ordinator, City and Islington College, London. For serv the Mentor Programme and to Further Educ. Johnson, Miss Ann Vicki, For serv the Gloucestershire Probation Service in Cheltenham. Johnson, Mrs Anne Faith, Assistant Establishment Offr, House of Lords. Johnson, Derek Joseph, Patrol, the Automobile Association. For serv Motorists. Johnson, Harold Keith, Company sec, Derby commty Transport. For serv Transport in Derby.
Jones, Alan Reginald Walter, JP, For serv the commty, especly Sport, in Preston, Lancashire. Jones, Mrs Dorothy, For serv Music in Stockton- on-Tees, Cleveland. Jones, Miss Eluned, For serv the commty, partic Physically Handicapped People, in Nefyn and District, Gwynedd. Jones, Elwyn Owen, For serv the Soldiers, Sailors and Airmens Families Association in Clwyd. Parry-Jones, Mrs Jemima, Dir, the National Birds of Prey Centre, Newent, Gloucestershire. For serv Bird Conservation. Jones, John Hamar, For serv the Landing Craft Gun and Flak Association. Jones, Vincent, Sen Instructional Offr, MOD. Joy, Richard Henry James, For serv the commty in Landkey, North Devon. Kaur, Mrs Surinder, Training mgr, H.M. Board of Customs and Excise. Kay, Robert Howard, For serv the Architectural Profession Keachie, Andrew Hedges, Musical dir, Kilmarnock Concert Brass. For serv Brass Band Music in Ayrshire. Keating, Miss Gillian Carol Frances, Lately private sec to the Bishop of Rochester. For serv the Church of Eng. Kee, Mrs Arlene, For serv Youth Work Kemp, Arthur, JP, For serv the commty, especly the Boys Brigade, in Nottingham. Kemp, Derek George, For serv the commty in Horsham, West Sussex. Kendall, John, For serv the commty, especly People with Learning Disabilities, in Christch, Dorset. Kent, Mrs Ann Patricia, For charitable serv the commty in Horsham, West Sussex. Kent, Mrs Nansi Rita, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Swansea. For serv the Care of Diabetics. Killick, Stephen Frederick, Sen Movement Area Offr, Airside Operations, Heathrow, BAA. For serv Aviation. Kindred, Robert Julian, For serv the Inst of Historic Building Conservation. King, Mrs Audrey, For serv the commty in Penwortham, Lancashire. King, Miss Kanya, For serv the Music ind. Kirby, Miss Patricia Mary, Complaints mgr, NHS exec, Dept of Health. Kirk, John Gordon William, Head of Environmental Health, Warwick District Ccl. For serv commty Health. Knowles, Mrs Sylvia Kathleen, Administrative asst, MOD. Kusel, Miss Judith, Grade B, Dept for Culture, Media and Sport.
Langridge, Mrs Sylvia, For serv the Inner London Probation Service. Lansdell, Mrs Judith, For serv the Shepway Victim Support Scheme. Lawrence, George Bernard, For serv the Agricultural commty and to Young People in Cheshire. Lawrence, Miss Joan Barrie, For serv Ladies Amateur Golf. Lawson, Mrs May Fulton Thomson, Lately Dirate sec, R Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust. For serv the NHS. Leask, Capt Ronald, Lately Capt, MV GARDYLOO. For serv Public Sanitation. Lee, Mrs Barbara Mary, For serv the Friends of Cookridge Hospital, Leeds. Leigh, Mrs Rosemary Renee, For serv the WRVS in Lancashire. Lemon, Charles, For serv the Bronte Society. Lennox, Angela Isabella Agnes, Gen Medical Practitioner, Leicester. For serv Medicine and to the commty. Leonard, Mrs Cynthia Kathleen Emily, For serv the commty in Solihull, West Midlands. Letch, James Edward, Lately Sen Information Offr/ch Engineer, COIormation. Lever, Mrs Rose Elizabeth, For serv Out of School Childcare in Royton, Lancashire. Lewis, John, Higher exec Offr, Home Off. Lewis, Mrs Ursil, Foster Carer, London. For serv Fostering. Liebrecht, Heinrich Fritz Heinz, For serv the Arts in Norfolk. Livingston, Edward Colin, JP, For serv the Jewish commty in Middlesex. Livingstone, George Fredrick, QGM, For serv the Police Livingstone, Mrs Helen, chm, Glenochil Young Offenders Inst Visiting Committee. For serv Prisoners Welfare. Login, William Frederick, For serv the commty, especly Disabled People, in Holbeach and Spalding, Lincolnshire. Long, Anthony Peter, For serv the Thamesdown and District Scope Association. Longson, Mrs Jillian, For serv the commty, especly the Girls Brigade, in Gawsworth, Cheshire. Loughran, Mrs Irene, Revenue asst, H.M. Bd of In Rev. Lovell, Mrs Audrey May, For serv the commty in Melchbourne, Bedfordshire. Lowe, Roy Gordon, Bus Driver, Stagecoach East Midland. For serv the Bus ind and to the commty. Lydon, Mrs Yvonne, Pers asst to the ch Fire Offr, Tyne and Wear Metropolitan Fire Brigade. For serv the Fire Service. Lynch, Roderick, Support Grade 1, Home Off.
Machin, John Roland, Sen Teacher, Heathfield High School, Congleton. For serv Careers Educ. Mackie, John Stuart, Lately chm, Stockton City Challenge Partnership Board. For serv the Regeneration of Stockton. Macleod, John Irvine, Lately Office mgr, Scott Off. Macnair, John Bennett, For serv the commty in North Berwick, East Lothian. Makey, George, For serv Disabled Children through Golf Masters Anonymous. Malits, Rabbi Malcolm Henry, For serv the commty in Merseyside. Maloney, Christopher Peter, For serv Sport for Disabled People. Mangat, Avtar Singh, Headteach, Wilkes Green Junior School, Handsworth, Birmingham. For serv Educ. Mann, John W. L., For serv Scouting and to the commty in Stanton, Suffolk. Mann, Richard Howard, For serv the commty in Donhd St. Andrew, Wiltshire. Mann, Thomas William Smith, Assistant Divisional Offr, Central Scotland Fire Brigade. For serv the Fire Service and to the commty in West Lothian. Mann, Mrs Valerie Faith, For serv the commty, especly those suffering Mental Illness, in Woodbridge, Suffolk. Manners, Mrs Sarah, For serv the Brit Red Cross Society in Hampshire. Marchment, John Albert, For serv Local History in Andover, Hampshire. Mark, Mrs Martha Sheila Wilhelmina, For publ serv Markham, Miss Amy Elizabeth, Lately School Cook. For serv the William Marshall V.C. Primary School, Welney, Cambshire. Marston, Brian, For serv the R Air Forces Association in Norwich, Norfolk. Marston, Mrs Olive, For serv the commty in Heather, Leicestershire. Martin, David Bennett, For serv the Cupar Highland Games. Martin, Ian McCrindle, For serv the Stars of Scotland for Cerebral Palsy. Matheson, Mrs Catherine, For charitable serv the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association in Inverness. Matthews, Kenneth David, Lately Higher Linguist Offr, MOD. Maxwell, Miss Joyce Mary, For serv the MRC Child Psychiatry Unit. McCulloch, Miss Helen Janet Crichton, For serv the Farmers Club, London. McDonald, John Peter, Pers Aid and Inquiries Offr, Corporation of London. For serv the commty, especly Homeless People. McFarlane, Sidney Claude, Lately Retired Offr 2, MOD. McGillion, Patrick Denis, For serv the Fire Service. John McGowan, ltly Laboratory Analyst, Scottish Agricultural College. For serv Agriculture and to Employee Relations McIntyre, Mrs Margaret, Staff Nurse. For serv Cardiology Care McLeod, John, Head of Educ and Training, Suffolk Training and Enterprise Ccl. For serv the New Deal in Suffolk. McMillan, Mrs Margaret Ann, For serv the South Ayrshire Childrens Panel. McMillan, The Reverend William, For charitable serv McNab, Mrs Fay Annette Catherine, Nuclear Licensing Adviser, Dept of Trade and Indust. McNeil, Robert James, Sen Post Mortem Technician, West Glasgow Hospitals Univ NHS Trust. For serv Pathology. McNeilly, Samuel William James, For serv ind McNish, Stanley Roy, For serv commty Relations in London. Mehta, Nitin, For serv commty Relations in Croydon, Surrey.
Mellor, Frank Albert William, For serv the R Mail and to the commty in East London. Mercer, Peter, Presdt, the Gypsy Ccl for Educ, Culture, Welfare and Civil Rights. For serv Gypsy/Traveller Educ. Millbank, Clarissa Joan, For serv Camb House and to the commty in Southwark, London. Miller, Francis James, For serv the Fintry commty Ccl, Dundee. Miller, Joseph, For serv Local Govt Millett, Lesley, Dir, Wastebusters Ltd. For serv the Environment. Mills, Miss Gloria Helenly, Dir of Equal Opportunities, UNISON. For serv the Trade Union Movement. Mills, Kenneth Trevor, Lately Higher exec Offr, Min of Agric, Fisheries and Food. Milner, Anthony, Section Offr, Derbyshire Special Constabulary. For serv the Police. Milner, Leslie Harold, Lately Insp of Taxes, H.M. Bd of In Rev. Milward, John Stanley, JP, For serv the commty in Reading, Berkshire. Mitchell, Mrs Betty Irene, For serv the commty in Gravesend, Kent. Mitchell, Desmond R. D., For serv Local Govt. Montgomery, Mrs Ruby June Margot, Lately Tax Enquiry Centre mgr, H.M. Bd of In Rev. Moore, Miss Jean, JP, For serv Local Govt and to the commty in Newark, Nottinghamshire. Moore, Mrs Jean, For serv the commty in Swaffham Prior, Cambshire. Moore, John Verdun, For serv the Roofing ind. Moore, Mrs Stephanie Susan, Cabin Service dir, BA. For serv the Bobby Moore Fund. Moreels, John Alfred, Group mgg dir, Ward Philipson Group Ltd. For serv Small Businesses. Morgan, Neil William, JP, For serv the commty in Sussex. Morgan, Mrs Pamela, MPB3, Employment Service, Dept for Educ and Employment. Morgan, Mrs Sheila Joan, For serv the commty, especly the Volunteer Bureau, in Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire. Morpurgo, Mrs Clare, Co-founder, Farms for City Children. For serv Young People. Morpurgo, Michael, Co-founder, Farms for City Children. For serv Young People.
Morris, John Richard, For serv OXFAM. Morris, Robert, For serv Univ College, Oxf. Moyle, Mrs Miriam Alma, For serv the commty, especly Music, in St. Keverne, Cornwall. Mulligan, Leo Peter, For serv Electrical Engineering and to the commty Mumford, David Owen, For serv Drama for Visually Impaired People. Munday, Miss Dorcas Elisabeth, Vice Chair, Wellingborough Ccl for the Disabled. For serv Disabled People. Munkley, James, For serv Sport for Disabled People. Murphy, Mrs Joan Mary, Lately Messenger, DSS. Murray, Thomas Loch, For serv the commty in Cumnock, Ayrshire. Mutch, David John, Production mgr, Devonport Management Ltd. For serv the Defence ind. Neish, William Scott, Lately Gen mgr, Marks and Spencer, Glasgow. For serv Retailing and to the commty. Newton, Miss Florence, For serv the commty, especly Health Care, in Putney, London. Newton, John Christopher, For serv the Southern Electric Museum, Christch, Dorset. Nicholls, Philip Reginald Thomas, Insp, Avon and Somerset Constabulary. For serv the Police and to Young People. Nicol, Peter Franz, For serv Squash. Nicolson, Mrs Isobel Lucy Wishart, For serv the commty in Plockton, Ross-shire. Niven, Ian Lyneburn Galbraith, For serv Young People and to Association Football in Manchester. Norman, Ernest Albert, For serv People with Learning Disabilities in Plymouth, Devon. Norman, Mrs Valerie, For serv the Musgrove Leukaemic Group, Taunton, Somerset. O'Doherty, Miss Mary Catherine Patricia, Business Support, H.M. Board of Customs and Excise. O'Nions, Mrs April Ann, PB8, Employment Services, Dept for Educ and Employment. O'Shea, Mrs Helen, Intelligence Offr, H.M. Customs and Excise. Oakes, Mrs Mary Margaret, Chair of Governors, Anchorsholme Cnty Primary School, Blackpool. For serv Educ and to the commty. Orr, Samuel Francis Desmond, Hon Treasurer, Padstones. For serv Young Homeless People. Orringe, Royston Douglas, For serv the National Association of Retired Firefighters. Ougham, John, For serv the Sea Cadet Corps in Whitstable, Kent.
Page, David Anthony, Dir, Wigan Borough Partnership. For serv Business and to the commty in Wigan, Lancashire. Palmer, Albert John, Lately Steward II, Britannia R Naval College, MoD. Parke, John Raymond, For serv the Engineering ind Parrish, Ian Rodney, Assistant Vehicle Examiner, Vehicle Inspate exec Agency, Dept for the Environment, Transport and the Regions. Parsey, Richard Lewis, Auxiliary Coastguard in Charge, Suffolk. For serv Marine Safety. Parsons, Jasper, For serv the Aquaculture and Fishing ind Partridge, Alfred George Charles, For serv the commty on the Beecholme Estate, Clapton, London. Patrick, Patrick John, Lately dir and Ch exec, Consumer Credit Trade Association. For serv the Consumer Credit ind. Patterson, Mrs Ruth Isabel, For serv the Voluntary Sector Payne, Geoffrey Kenneth, Project mgr, BSI Standards. For serv Quality Standards. Pease, Alec Alfred, For serv the Far East Prisoners of War Association. Peaty, Alec John, Stores asst, BSG Builders Merchants. For serv the Builders Merchants ind. Perkins, Peter John, chm, National Association of Taxi and Pte Hire Licensing and Enforcement Offrs. For serv Standards of Taxi and Pte Hire Licensing. Peters, Miss Audrey, For serv the commty, through the Salvation Army. Phillips, Mrs Gloria, Service Unit mgr, Planned Hospital Discharge Scheme, Lewisham. For serv Home Care for Elderly People. Pitchers, Mrs Judith, JP, For serv the Board of Visitors, H.M. Prison Gartree. Pitman, Gerald Harold David, For serv the commty, especly Local History, in Sherborne, Dorset.
Pitts, Leslie George, For serv the commty in Buntingford, Hertfordshire. Porter, Joseph, For serv Church Bell Ringing and to the commty in Bury, Lancashire. Potts, William Geddes, Waterway Supervisor, Brit Waterways. For serv the Grantham Canal. Powell, George, State Enrolled Nurse, South Manchester Hospitals Univ Trust. For serv Health Care. Prater, Martin, Internal Auditor. For serv the Notting Hill Housing Trust. Preston, Paul, Mobile Library Unit Driver/Library asst. For serv the commty in Newcastle- under-Lyme. Pretty, Mrs Mary, For serv Limbless People in Roehampton, London. Price, John Richard, Local Supervisor, Turkey, Commwlth War Graves Commn. Prince, Laurie Anthony, Head of Engineering, Hawk Integration, BAe. For serv Engineering. Pringle, Miss Josephine Ann, For serv Riding for the Disabled in Wales. Prior, Mrs Alice Mary, DL, For serv the Bristol Cathedral Trust. Procter, Herbert Gerald, For serv Business and to the commty in Yorkshire. Proctor, Thomas, For serv The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and to Young People in Staffordshire. Pryor, Francis Manning Marlborough, Dir of Archaeology, Fenland Archaeological Trust. For serv Tourism. Ramsey, Mrs Norma Frances Joan, For serv the Epsom and Ewell Talking Newspaper, Surrey. Randell, Charles Robert, For serv Victim Support.
Reader, John Roland, For serv the Capt Cook Schoolroom Museum, Great Ayton, North Yorkshire. Redpath, Thomas Millar, For serv The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme in Berwickshire. Redstone, Mrs Deirdre Rosemary, Project Co-ordinator, North Bournemouth Crime Prevention Panel, Dorset Police. For serv Crime Prevention. Rees, William Skyrme, Headteach, Priory Junior School. For serv Educ in Pembrokeshire, West Wales. Reid, Ivan William, Works Engineer, North West Water Ltd. For serv the Water ind. Rendle, Richard Frederick, Operations exec, Sandquay, Vosper Thornycroft Ltd. For serv the R Naval College, Dartmouth. Restall, Ronald, Parent-Governor, Ian Ramsey CE Secondary and Rosehill Infant Schools, Stockton-on-Tees. For serv Educ on Tees-side. Reynolds, Arthur Paul, For serv Church Conservation and to the commty in Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire. Reynolds, Mrs Gillian, Radio Critic, the Daily Telegraph. For serv Journalism. Rezaei, Hossain, mgg dir, Pride Valley Foods. For serv the Ethnic and specity bread sector. Richardson, Mrs Dorothy, For serv Mental Health Care Provision and to the commty in East Yorkshire. Ringrose, Mrs Maureen, For serv the WRVS in Ross and Cromarty, Ross-shire. Robertson, Kerr, Lately Forest Offr, Forestry Commn. Robertson, Robert, For serv Crime Prevention and Drug Awareness in Carnoustie, Angus. Robertson, Uisdean Iain MacDonald, Area mgr, Caledonian MacBrayne Ltd. For serv the Ferry ind. Robinson, Mrs Anne, For serv Bereaved Parents and to the Francis House Childrens Hospice in Didsbury, Manchester. Robinson, Cedric, The Queens Guide to the Sands of Morecambe Bay. For serv the commty in Cumbria. Robinson, Malcom Graham, For serv the Northampton Grammar School. Robinson, Robert James, For serv Young People. Robinson, Mrs Sarah Elizabeth Margaret, For serv Nursery Educ. Robson, The Reverend Canon Patricia Anne, For serv the White Cross Mission and to Young People in Romania. Roche, Jack, For serv the commty on Jersey. Rogers, Mrs Beryl Georgina, For serv commty Relations in Birmingham.
Rollason, Miss Helen, For serv Sport Broadcasting and to charities. Rosen, Cyril, For serv the UKs Internat Primate Protection League. Rossiter, The Rev Raymond Stephen David, For serv ex-Service Associations. Rowe, Joshua, Chair of Governors, King David High School Manchester. For serv Educ. Rowlands, John Alwyn, For serv Employment Relations in North and Mid-Wales. Roy, David Stalker, For serv Association Football for Young People in Scotland. Ruddock, Edward Campbell, For serv Architecture and to Building Conservation. Russell, Mrs Ursula, Chair, Quality Careers Service, Coventry. For serv Educ, Training and Careers Guidance. Ryan, Daniel Patrick, For charitable serv in Birmingham. Rylatt, Carl Antony, Sub Offr, West Midlands Fire Service. For serv Young People. Salter, Mrs Mary, For serv the National Trust Salter, Mrs Penelope Elisabeth Louise, Commercial Services mgr, Deep Sea Seals Ltd. For serv the Marine Defence ind.
Sander, Guy Henry, Sen Offr, H.M. Board of Customs and Excise. Scade, Thomas Nicholas, For serv Training and Educ in the Hotel and Catering ind. Schlee, Mrs Rosemary Anne, For serv OXFAM. Scott, John, For serv Housing, partic Renovation, in Glasgow. Scotthorne, Alan, For serv Angling. Sefton, Thomas, Firefighter, Merseyside Fire Brigade. For serv the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. Self, Mrs Mabel, For serv the commty in Holyhd, Anglesey. Severn, David, For serv the Hansard Society. Shanahan, Mrs Iris, JP, For serv the Townswomen's Guild. Shao, Chin Ming, Laundry Contractor/Tailor. For serv the R Navy. Sharma, Mrs Kiran, JP, Pay Account Offr, Home Off. Shipman, Reginald Harry, Technical Adviser, LP Gas Association. For serv the Petroleum Gas ind. Shrubsall, Paul Joseph, For serv the Barristers Clerks Profession. Silbergh, Alexander, For serv Choral Music in Buckie, Banffshire. Simia, Alfred, For serv the Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and to the Jewish commty in Bournemouth, Dorset. Simkins, Prof Peter John, For serv the Imperial War Museum. Simpson, John Brian Dickinson, JP, For serv the commty in Swansea, South Wales. Singh, Gulab Sucha, Health Promotion mgr, North West Lancashire. For serv the NHS and to the Ethnic commty. Slater, Mrs Stephanie, Lately Sen Prison Offr, Prison Services, Home Off. Smith, Mrs Anne, Headteach, Crickhowell Cnty Primary School, Powys. For serv Educ. Smith, Miss Mary, Gaelic Singer. For serv Music. Smith, Patricia Catherine, Headteach, Abercorn School, Glasgow. For serv Children with Special Educal Needs. Pearce-Smith, Philip Gordon, For serv the League of Venturers Search and Rescue. Snow, Albert, Plant Fitter and Welder, Grimshaw Kinnear Ltd. For serv the Construction ind. Soh, Mrs Eng Tao, Administrative asst, DSS. Soteriou, Phedias, Detective Constable, Met Pol. For serv the Police and to the Greek Cypriot commty. Speight, Harry, Lately Member, OFWAT Southern Customer Service Committee. For serv Water Customers in Southern Eng. Stafford, Miss Dorothy Mary, For humanitarian serv in Bosnia. Stammers, Miss Edith Eleanor, For serv Elderly and Disabled People in East Molesey, Surrey. Stanley, Edwin Albert, Lately Sen Professional and Technology Offr, Highways Agency, Dept for the Environment, Transport and the Regions. Stear, Ernest Alexander, For serv Church Music in North Yorkshire. Steele, Hugh, For serv the commty in Dornoch, Sutherland. Stewart, Roy Kenneth Campbell, For serv the Police Stockill, Mrs Jean, Administrative Offr, Highways Agency, Dept for the Environment, Transport and the Regions. Storey, Robert Arthur, For serv Scouting in Aberdeenshire and Banff. Stothard, Gerard Michael, JP, For serv Educ in Hertfordshire. Sturge, Peter Marshall, Sen Probation Offr. For serv the Probation and Prison serv. Suart, Mrs Marlene Patricia, Customer Service mgr, H.M. Bd of In Rev. Suleman, Mohammad Ishaque, Lately Gen Medical Practitioner, East Sussex. For serv Patient Care. Sutton, Mrs Joyce, For serv the commty in Birdwell, South Yorkshire. Swailes, Ernest, For serv the commty in Falstone, Northumberland. Tabel, Miss Myrtle Rosemary Ivy, For serv Educ and to Charity on Guernsey. Taylor, David A. G., For serv the Prevention of the Spread of HIV/Aids and to the Care of Sufferers. Taylor, David Mathieson, For serv Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy Research. Teers, Mrs Susan Vanessa Elinot Mary, For serv the Side by Side Theatre Company and to Disabled People in Warwickshire.
Thomas, Iwan, For serv Athletics. Thomas, Joseph Glyn, Farmer. For serv the Farm Animal Welfare Ccl. Thomas, Mark Richard, Lately chm, Passenger Transport Forum for Employee Development Ltd. For serv Training in the Bus and Coach ind. Thomas, Stephen William, chm, Port Sunlight and Warrington Joint Sen Stewards Group. For serv Employee Relations. Thompson, Mrs Kathleen Wendy, For serv Swimming for People with Disabilities in Buckinghamshire. Thorpe, John Samuel, For serv Optometry and to the commty in Derbyshire. Tinker, Mrs Maureen Winifred, Pers sec, MOD. Tinsley, Mrs Pamela Joan, Bookbinder, Remploy Ltd. For serv the Employment of Disabled People. Titterington, Mrs Elizabeth Mary, For serv Fostering in Blackpool, Lancashire. Todd, Virginia Ann, Gen Medical Practitioner, London. For serv Medicine and to the commty. Tomlinson, Frederick George William, Constable. For serv the Brit Transport Police, Doncaster, Yorkshire. Townsend, Gregor Peter John, For serv Rugby Union Football. Tregellas, Miss Ruth, Clinical Nurse Specialist/Continence Adviser, Plymouth, Devon. For serv Health Care. Trimble, Mrs Mary, For serv the commty Truscott, Norman Albert Sidney, For serv the commty in Mawgan, Cornwall. Tugwell, John, Technical Offr, Environmental Health Service, Cotswold District Ccl. For serv the commty in the Cotswolds. Shimwell-Tunnicliffe, Mrs Jacqueline Anne, For serv MENCAP in Matlock, Derbyshire. Turner, Mrs Ellen Mary, For charitable serv St. Anne's Hospice, Chdle Hulme, Cheshire. Tutton, Michael, Milkman. For serv the commty in St. Albans, Hertfordshire. Tyldesley, Herbert Lyon, For serv the commty inWorsley, Manchester and to the Blind in Salford. Tyson, Mrs Harriet Skelton, For serv the Barrow and District Society for the Blind Ltd., Cumbria. Underhill, Christopher Patrick, For serv Disabled People. Urquhart, Miss Ruth Anne Farquharson, Foster Carer. For serv Foster Care in Dundee. Van Laast, Anthony, Choreographer and Dancer. For serv Dance. Vannan, Miss Eileen Mary, For serv the commty Venayak, Ved Prakash, For serv commty Relations in Tyne and Wear. Vokins, John Howard, For serv the R Sussex Cnty Hospital. Wakeman, Mrs Patricia, exec Offr, Forensic Science Service, Home Off. Walker, Alan James Charles, Sergeant, Staffordshire Police. For serv the Police. Walker, John Thomas, JP, Member, Burntwood Town Ccl and Lichfield District Ccl. For serv the commty in Burntwood. Walker, Mrs Rose Gwendoline, For serv the commty in Stockport, Greater Manchester. Walton, James, Sec, Halfway Elderly Peoples Club. For serv the commty in Holbrook, Sheffield. Ward, Mrs Betty Eileen, For serv the Fortis Green Health Clinic, Haringey Healthcare NHS Trust. Warke, Mrs Jeanette, For serv Young People Waterhouse, Brian, For serv the National Grocers Benevolent Fund. Waterman, Miss Christine Lynn, Curator. For serv the Dover Bronze Age Boat Trust. Wates, Anthony George Andor, Lately Headteach, Tavistock Cnty Primary School, West Devon. For serv Educ.
Watkins, David Gordon, Gen Dental Practitioner, Norfolk. For serv Dentistry. Watson, Alan, For serv Engineering and to Young People in Bolton, Lancashire. Webster, Mrs Jean Ann, Support Team Member, Dept of Trade and Indust. Wells, Mrs Phyllis, For the maintenance of War Graves in Barry, South Glamorgan. Welsh, Grenville Ethelbert, For serv the Pig ind. Whatmough, Mrs Josephine Ann, For serv the Environment Wheatley, John, Sen Professional and Technology Offr, MOD. White, Derrick William Charles, For serv the RAF St. Athan Voluntary Band. Whitfield, Miss Margaret Joan, For serv Young People. Whittlesea, Mrs Cecilia, Consultant, Training and Research Associates. For serv Young People. Whitworth, Henry, Voluntary Observer, Meteorological Office, Cornwall. Wild, John George, Operations mgr Falsane, Babcock Rosyth Defence Ltd. For serv the Submarine ind. Wilkinson, Frank Noon, Export Development Counsellor, Business Link. For serv Export. Wilkinson, Mrs Pamela, Cleaner in Charge. For serv the Wirksworth Infant School, Matlock, Derbyshire. Williams, Edward Thomas, For serv the South Wales Autistic Society and to the commty in Porthcawl, South Wales. Williams, Harold, For serv Rugby Union Football Williams, Mrs Jean, Tutor in English and Drama, Hartlepool Sixth Form College. For serv Educ. Williams, Prof Sonia Anne, Dental Practitioner, West Yorkshire. For serv Childrens Dental Health, especly for Ethnic Minorities. Willson, Joseph Edward Kenneth, For serv Conservation in the North of Eng. Wilson, Alan, For serv Horticulture Wilson, Graham Keith, For serv the Knitting, Dyeing and Lace Industries Joint Health and Safety Committee. Wilson, Hill, For serv ind and to Engineering. Wilson, Peter Garnet, For publ serv Wilson, Mrs Shelah, For serv The Cancer Research Campaign Wood, Eric Henry Frank, For serv Leeds Gen Hospital. Wood, James Patrick, For serv Karate. Wood, Norman Alan, For serv the R Brit Legion in Northamptonshire. Woodford, Harry, Member, Kingston upon Hull City Ccl. For serv the commty in Kingston upon Hull. Woolley, Miss Lorraine, Dep ch Commandant, Met Pol Special Constabulary. For serv the Police. Wooster, Mrs Patricia, Dir, Midwifery and Paediatric Services, Ealing. For serv Midwifery. Wragg, Michael Edwin, Rivers Operative, Environment Agency. For serv Employee Relations and Environmental Protection. Wright, Kenneth William, mgr, Scouts Offshore in Colchester, Essex. For serv Young People. Wright, Stephen Wheldon, Hon sec, Gloucestershire Association of Parish and Town Ccls. For serv Local Ccls and to the commty in Gloucestershire. Wright, Steve, chm, London Pte Hire Car Association. For serv Transport in London. Wyles, John Ian, JP, Lately Member, Stirling Ccl. For serv Local Govt. Wylie, Mrs Lilian, For serv Glasgow College of Nautical Studies and to The Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice, Glasgow.
Royal Victorian Order
Knight Commander (KCVO)
Downward, Maj Gen Peter Aldcroft, CB, DSO, DFC, Governor of the Military Knights of Windsor. Howes, Christopher Kingston, CB, CVO, Second commr and Ch exec, Crown Estate. Ross, Lt Col Walter Hugh Malcolm, CVO, OBE, Comptroller, Lord Chamberlain's Office.
Commander (CVO)
Holroyd, John Hepworth, CB, Sec for Appointments to the Prime Minr. Lamport, Stephen Mark Jeffrey, Pte sec and Treasurer to The Prince of Wales. Macmillan, The Very Re Gilleasbuig, Chaplain to The Queen in Scotland and Dean of the Order of the Thistle. Murphy, Mrs. Lucy Annora, LVO, Information Offr, Household of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother. Murdo-Smith, Mrs. Felicity Margaret Salisbury, LVO, Information Offr, Press Office, Buckingham Palace.
Lieutenant (LVO)
Booth, The Reverend William, Sub-Dean of Her Majestys Chapels R and Domestic Chaplain. Bunbury, Dr. Michael Charles de St. Pierre, Medical Practitioner. Burgess, Chief Insp Stephen Orme, MVO, Rty Protection Dept, Met Pol. Cook, Robert, MVO, Lately Inventory Clerk, Windsor Castle. Fox, Frederick Donald, Milliner. Huntingdon, William Edward Robin Hood Hastings-Bass, The Earl of, Racehorse Trainer. Metcalfe, Malcolm, Member of the Canadian Steering Committee of The Duke of Edinburghs Commwlth Study Conference. Ritchie, Mrs. Araminta Mary, Lady-in-Waiting to The Princess R. Robson, The Rev John Phillips, Chaplain of The Queen's Chapel of the Savoy and Chaplain of the R Victorian Order. Taylor, Robert Forbes, Trustee, United Kingdom Fund of The Duke of Edinburghs Commwlth Study Conference.
Member (MVO)
Asprey, Miss Helen Elizabeth, Sec to the Equerry to The Duke of Edinburgh. Brown, Roy, Maintenance mgr, Buckingham Palace and R Mews. Clark, Mrs. Jean Young, Sec to the Crown Equerry. Cooper, Norman Robert, Gentleman of the Chapel R, St. James's Palace. Gordon, Mrs Anne Rae, Sec to the Lord-Lt of Tyne and Wear. Holland, Mrs Maureen Patricia, Sec, Household of The Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon. Marshall, Sq Ldr Jeremy David, Lately Pilot, 32 Squadron, R Air Force. McNeile, Miss Fiona Frances, Sec, R Farms, Windsor. Reeve, Chief Superintendent David Stanley, Norfolk Constabulary. Sharp, Mrs. Lisa Penelope, Sec, Household of The Prince Edward. Yaxley, Mrs. Amanda Charlotte, Lately Personnel and Administrative mgr, Household of The Prince of Wales.
Royal Victorian Medal
Benefer, David James, Glasshouse mgr, Sandringham Estate. Birch, Yeoman Warder Peter, Chapel Clerk, Chapel R, H.M. Tower of London. Blomfield, Gerald, Hairdresser. Cox, James Albert, Maintenance Offr, Windsor Castle. Marshall, Stephen Henry Ronald, Assistant Yeoman of the R Pantries. McDonald, James Alexander, Painter, Balmoral Estate. Pithers, David Arthur, Woodman, Crown Estate, Windsor. Rowlands, Robert, Stud Groom, R Studs. Seymour, Colin John, Painter, Crown Estate, Windsor. Thomas, John, Estate Maintenance, Yorkshire Survey, Duchy of Lancaster.
Diplomatic Service And
Overseas List
Knights Bachelor
Gilbert, Arthur, For serv the arts and culture. Power, The Honourable Mr. Justice Noel Plunkett, Lately Acting ch Justice, Hong Kong.
Order of St Michael and St George
Spencer, Miss Rosemary Jane, CMG, H.M. Ambassador, The Hague.
Knight Commander (KCMG)
Beamish, Adrian John, CMG, Lately H.M. Ambassador, Mexico City. Galsworthy, Anthony Charles, CMG, H.M. Ambassador, Peking. John, David Glyndwr, For serv Briish intrsts overseas. Kentridge, Sydney Woolf, QC, For serv internat law and Just.
Commander (CMG)
Browne, Nicholas Walker, Charge d'Affaires, Tehran. Chipman, Dr. John Miguel Warwick, Dir, Internat Inst for Strategic Studies. Eastwood, Basil Stephen Talbot, H.M. Ambassador, Damascus. Glasser, Cyril, For serv internat law and Just. Gordon, Robert Anthony Eagleson, OBE, H.M. Ambassador, Rangoon. Grant, John Douglas Kelso, Lately Principal private sec to the sec of State for Foreign and Commwlth Affairs. Green, Gregory David, Dir gen, Voluntary Service Overseas. Harris, Prof David, Dir, Nottingham Univ Human Rights Centre. Humfrey, Charles Thomas William, Minr, H.M. Embassy, Tokyo. McLeod, Ian, OBE, MC, Lately hd of European Commn Monitoring Mission and Member of the Kosovo Verification Mission. Ricketts, Peter Forbes, Dep polit dir, FCO. Watson, John Philip, Counsellor, FCO.
Order of the British Empire
Dame Commander (DBE)
Browne-Evans, The Honourable Lois Marie, Minr of Legislative Affairs, Bermuda.
Knight Commander (KBE)
Lyne, Roderic Michael John, CMG, UK perm Representative, United Kingdom Mission to the United Nations, Geneva.
Commander (CBE)
Alcantara, The Honourable Mr. Justice John Ernest, OBE, Speaker of the House of Assembly and Mayor of Gibraltar. Green, George Lewis, Pte sec to the late Emir of Bahrain. Marshall, John Gilbert Morgan, Lately hd, European School, Brussels.
Officer (OBE)
Austin, David John Robert, First sec, FCO. Barnes, Hilary John, For serv jrnism and Brit-Danish rels. Blaber, David, Lately hd, Budget Committees Secretariat, NATO. Calvert, Geoffrey Peter Stewart, For serv Brit busnss in Korea. Crowley, John Joseph, LVO, Lately First sec, FCO. Dodds, Miss Yvonne Mary, Head, Corporate Information Technology, Br Ccl. Douro, Arthur Charles Valerian Wellesley, Marquess of, For serv Brit-Spanish Trade rels. Duby, Miss Fiona Margaret, MBE, For serv hlth and population in Nigeria. Edwards, Lennett Maurice, QPM, CPM, Lately commr of Police, Bermuda. Ewen, Prof John Richard, For serv youth devel and to the commty in Zambia. Foxton, William, MBE, Lately Member of the European Commn Monitoring Mission. Gosnold, Barry Arnall John, For serv Brit expts to the USA. Graham, Ian James Alastair, For serv Mayan archaeology. Grey, Alan Hartley, For welf serv retd officials. Haworth, Prof Alan, For serv psychiatry and mental illness, Zambia. Hay, Dr. John Munro, Consultant, FCO. Henderson, Dr. Maureen McGrath, For serv cancer res and prevention. Holliday, Raymond, Head, Br Ccl School, Madrid. Holt, Sean Christopher Eric, Counsellor, H.M. Embassy, Bogota. Isles, Timothy John, Dep hd, OSCE Mission, Albania. Leeks, Clinton Eliot, Lately Corporate Development dir, Hong Kong Airport Authority. McCullough, Murray, Member of the European Commn Monitoring Mission in Mostar. Medley, Richard, First sec, FCO. Morgan, Gwynfrin, For serv the European Commn. Morton, Prof Brian Sydney, For serv marine ecology, Hong Kong. Nettleton, Miss Catherine Elizabeth, First sec, FCO. Panton, David Barry, For serv Brit-Portuguese trade. Philip, Richard Graham, For serv veterinary science overseas. Poynter, Prof John Riddoch, O.A. For serv the Rhodes Scholarship programme in Aust. Scott, John Gibson, For serv econ reform in Georgia. Sinton, William Baldie, Lately H.M. Ambassador, Panama City. Smith, Paul Jonathan, Dir, Br Ccl, New Zealand. Southwell, Robin Simon, For serv Brit-Aust trade. Statler, Mrs. Jocelyn Grace, For serv Chatham House. Stewart, Euan Rodgers, For serv customs enforcement in the Caribbean. Thomas, David Victor, For serv Brit busnss in Brazil. Thomas, Prof Michael James, For serv mgemt educ and trg, Poland. Wedgwood, Mrs. Katherine Frances, China Programme dir, Save the Children Fund. White, Prof Nicholas John, For serv tropical diseases res. Williams, Adam Charles Newmarch, For serv Brit busnss in China. Wright, Robert Derek, For serv Police devel, Hungary.
Member (MBE)
Baker, Brian Victor, For serv Brit busnss in India. Barlow, Robert Malcolm, Brit Hon Consul, Western Samoa. Basdeo, Mrs. Verla Joy Alexandra, For serv educ and planning, Cayman Islands. Burgoyne, Michael, Locally-engaged Brit vice-Consul, Naples. Dallenger, John Francis, First sec, FCO. Ebanks, Dunstan Dalmain, For publ serv, Cayman Islands. Eker, Mrs. Rita, For serv the Womens Campaign for Soviet Jewry. Estlin, Mrs. Jennifer Frances, Pers asst to the Governor, Montserrat. Evans, Mrs. Ruth, For charitable serv, Brit Virgin Islands. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Yvonne, Locally-engaged Management Offr/Accountant, H.M. Consulate, Bordeaux. Fox, Howard Alexander, For serv peacekeeping in Mostar. Gambold, Benjamin Howard Francis, For serv the Brit commty in Egypt. Gambold, Mrs. Vera Rose, For serv the Brit commty in Egypt. Gault, Miss Jean Jose, Pers asst to the Legal Adviser, FCO. Gibbons, Mrs. Jean Maria, Second sec, FCO. Greengrass, John Kenneth, Second sec, Brit High Commn, New Delhi.
Hammond, Robin Ewart, Lately Translator, Nato Secretariat. Harris, Lewis, For serv Brit-Israeli rels. Harris, Winston Eston, For serv the Brit Army Support Unit, Belize. Hudson, Christopher Anthony, For serv the Peace Train Organisation, Dublin. Johnson, Peter Mervyn, For welf serv the Brit commty, Kenya. Kay, Paul Garbutt, For serv Brit intrsts, Panama. Leake, John William, For serv the commty, Romania. Lesser, Father Roger, For serv the poor in India. Levy, Solomon, JP, For publ serv, Gibraltar. Lindfield, John Richard, Vice-Consul, H.M. Consulate Gen, Cape Town. Long, Miss Suzanne Diana, For serv the United Nations Association and Human Rights. Mason, Miss Colette Hazel, Third sec, Brit High Commn, Maseru. McIntyre, Bruce Alexander, Second sec, H.M. Embassy, Santiago. Millman, Robert Christian, For serv hlth in developing countries. Nanton, Elliot Lionel Beresford, For serv the loc commty, Montserrat. Page, Miss Wendy Ann, Locally engaged Pro-Consul, Switzerland. Patel, Dr. Ramanbhai Manibhai, For serv the Brit commty in Gujarat State, India. Philip, Ira Pearman, For publ serv, Bermuda. Piercy, Jerome John, For serv human devel in Eastern Europe. Plumb, Mrs. Linda Wills, For serv educ overseas. Pratt, Miss Mildred, For serv educ in Zambia. Priestley, Miss Pauline Veronica, Locally-engaged sec, Brit Information Services, New York. Pyle, Nicholas John, Second sec, Brit High Commn, Colombo. Salamon, Robert Hayward, For serv child welf in the Philippines. Salvatore, Richard Amodeo Di, Locally engaged vice-Consul Commercial, Istanbul. Shand, John, Butler, H.M. Ambassadors Residence, Washington. Short, Nigel David, For serv Chess. Sidgwick, James Embleton, For serv Brit intrsts in Belgium. Cameron-Smith, Hamish, For serv educ and the commty, Zambia. Stanojlovic, Miss Olga, Assistant Policy dir, Br Ccl. Telfer, Alan James, For welf serv the Brit commty, Thailand. Tidnam, Michael Ernest Walter, For serv the R Brit Legion, Berlin. Townsend, John Michael Frederick, For serv the R Air Force Association in France. Turnbull, Nicholas Piers, Lately Member, European Commn Monitoring Mission to the Former Republ of Yugoslavia. Wright, Arthur Frederick Albert, For serv Brit intrsts, Malta.
Royal Navy
Order of the Bath
Knight Grand Cross (GCB)
Boyce, Adml Sir Michael Cecil, KCB, OBE, ADC,
Knight Commander (KCB)
Essenhigh, Adml Nigel Richard,
Companion (CB)
Franklyn, Rear Adml Peter Michael, MVO, Ross, Rear Adml Alastair Boyd, CBE
Order of the British Empire
Commander (CBE)
Beagley, Commodore Christopher Richard, R Navy. Taylor, Commodore Alastair John Sym, R Navy.
Officer (OBE)
Ford, Cdr Duncan, R Navy. Hadden, Cdr Peter Gordon, R Navy. Jones, Cdr Peter Haydn, R Navy. Mervik, Cdr Christopher Fields, R Navy. Stait, Cdr Carolyn Jane, R Navy. Stonham, Cdr Barry Valentine, R Navy. Waterer, Maj Richard Alan, R Marines.
Member (MBE)
Abbey, Lt Cdr Michael Peter, R Navy. Armstrong, WO 2nd Class Keith, R Marine Reserves. Arnold, Lt Mark Edward, R Navy. Bell, PO Tactical Systems Submarines Stephen David, Briddon, WO Martin James, Clements, Lt Richard Robert, R Naval Reserve. Cunningham, CPO Wren Writer Sharon Lesley, Godfrey, Colour Sgt David William, R Marines. Gooding, Lt Cdr Peter, R Naval Reserve. London, Lt Martin Richard, R Navy. Macdonald, Capt Ian Robert, R Marines. Macnaughton, Lt Cdr Francis George, R Navy. Moore, Lt Cdr Martin Nicholas, R Navy. Morton, WO John David, Petzer, The Reverend Garth Stephen, R Navy. Slater, WO Gary, Taylor, WO Brian Stephen, Woodbridge, Lt-Cdr Graham Francis, R Navy.
The Army
Order of the Bath
Knight Commander (KCB)
Deverell, Lt Gen John Freegard, OBE, Late The Light Infantry.
Companion (CB)
Elliott, Maj Gen Christopher Leslie, MBE, Late Corps of R Engineers. McAfee, Maj Gen Robert William Montgomery, Late R Tank Regiment. Stokoe, Maj Gen John Douglas, CBE, Late R Corps of Signals.
Order of the British Empire
Commander (CBE)
Arigho, Brig Jane Mary, RRC, Late Queen Alexandras R Army Nursing Corps. Crosland, Col John Harry, MC, Late The Parachute Regiment. Ritchie, Brig Andrew Stephenson, Wonson, Col David William, Late Adjutant Gens Corps.
Officer (OBE)
Cass, Lt Col Gary Peter, The R Regiment of Fusiliers. Frizell, Lt Col Thomas Andrew David, Adjutant Gens Corps. Hart, Lt Col Robert Charles, Corps of R Engineers. Killick, Lt Col Robert William, Corps of R Engineers. McCleery, Lt Col Noel, The R Dragoon Guards. McPherson, Lt Col Ian Andrew, BEM, The R Logistic Corps. Robertson, Col Iain Gregory, Late R Army Medical Corps, Territorial Army. Strickland, Lt Col Simon Walter Lamb, The Kings Own R Border Regiment. Urquhart, Lt Col Murdo Norfolk Soulsby, The Kings Own R Border Regiment. Vacher, Lt Col Michael John, R Regiment of Artillery. Wells, Lt Col Jennifer Margaret, R Army Medical Corps.
Member (MBE)
Allen, Maj Andrew Alexander, Corps of R Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. Archibald, Maj Niall Adam, The R Highland Fusiliers. Ashton, Capt David, The Kings R Hussars. Battley, Maj Adrian John, The R Logistic Corps. Binks, Capt Derek, The R Logistic Corps. Blezard, Lance Cpl Carl, Corps of R Engineers. Bodington, Maj Richard Hugh Walter St. George, Welsh Guards. Bradley, WO Class 1 Edward William, The Highlanders. Chapman, Maj Nicholas Seymour, The Cheshire Regiment. Chauhan, WO Class 2 Ashok Kumar, R Regiment of Artillery. Coles, Maj Timothy Austin, The Black Watch. Collier, Maj John Lonsdale, The R Logistic Corps. Coogan, WO Class 2 Eamonn Charles, The R Irish Regiment. Cowan, Maj James Michael, The Black Watch. Crease, Maj Anthony James, BEM, The R Scots Dragoon Guards. Currie, Maj John Angus, The Kings Own Scottish Borderers. Cusack, Maj Dermot James, The Light Dragoons. Davies, Maj Nicholas Roy, MC, The Parachute Regiment. Davies, Maj Stephen, The Queens Lancashire Regiment. Deverill, Maj John Edwin, Crops of R Engineers. Doherty, Lance Cpl Leslie Frederick, R Army Medical Corps. Evans, Maj Hugh Swithin, The R Regiment of Fusiliers. Fecitt, Capt Harry, TD, Intelligence Corps, Territorial Army. Fleming, Colour Sgt Brendan Loyola, The R Irish Regiment. Follan, Staff Sgt Paul Andrew, Adjutant Gens Corps. Gorton, Capt David Robert, Adjutant Gens Corps. Gout, Maj Johnathon James Robert, The R Logistic Corps. Griffiths, Capt Jonathan William George, Corps of R Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. Guillou, WO Class 2 Robert Philip, The R Yeomanry, Territorial Army. Haxby, WO Class 1 Gary, The Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of Yorkshire. Hollas, Maj David Ian, The R Logistic Corps. Horton, Cpl Jason Nicol, Corps of R Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. Jack, Sgt Alan, Adjutant Gens Corps. Jones, Maj Henry, The R Logistic Corps. King, Maj Craig Randall, C.D., Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry. Le Gassick, Maj Wendy Anne, Adjutant Gens Corps. Lear, Sgt David Stephen, The Princess of Waless R Regiment. Levine, Maj Jeremy Lionel John, Grenadier Guards. Linge, Maj Nigel David, R Regiment of Artillery. Lochinger, WO Class 1 Robert Merrick, Adjutant Gens Corps. Lockwood, Maj John Quentin, The Staffordshire Regiment. MacKay, WO Class 1 Andrew James, The Highlanders. Minden, Maj David Francis, R Army Medical Corps. Moir, Maj Julian Douglas Sheridan, The Kings R Hussars. Nagra, Sgt Balbir Singh, The R Anglian Regiment, Territorial Army. Orr, Maj Ian Alexander, The Kings Own Scottish Borderers. Pelton, Maj John Foster, Corps of R Engineers. Richards, Cpl Geoffrey Peter, R Corps of Signals. Saunders, Maj Timothy John Julian, The Devonshire and Dorset Regiment. Stobbs, WO Class 1 Ian, Corps of R Engineers. Taylor, Capt Alexander, R Regiment of Artillery. Taylor, WO Class 2 Paul Joseph, Corps or R Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. Tovey, WO Class 2 John Stephen, Territorial Army. Toward, Staff Sgt Joseph Robert, The R Scots Dragoon Guards. Whitehd, WO Class 2 Michael John, Adjutant Gens Corps. Willingham, Capt Steven, The R Logistic Corps. Willis, Maj James Michael George, The Green Howards. Yardley, Cpl Ralph, The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Young, WO Class 1 Ian Stuart, Army Physical Training Corps.
Officer (OBE)
Duarte, Lt Col Dennis, The R Gibraltar Regiment.
Royal Air Force
Order of the Bath
Companion (CB)
McCandless, Air Vice-Marshal Brian Campbell, CBE, R Air Force. O'Reilly, Air Vice-Marshal Patrick John, R Air Force.
Order of the British Empire
Knight Commander (KBE)
Baird, A M John Alexander, R Air Force.
Commander (CBE)
Maddox, A Cdre Nigel David Alan, R Air Force. Prissick, A Cdre Malcolm, R Air Force. Skinner, Air Vice-Marshal Graham, MBE, R Air Force.
Officer (OBE)
Arkell, W Cdr James Dennis, R Air Force. Boyle, W Cdr Thomas Leonard, R Air Force. Cobelli, W Cdr Ricardo Dominic, R Air Force. Day, Sq Ldr Paul, AFC, R Air Force. Hereford, W Cdr Peter John, R Air Force. Murray, W Cdr The Honourable David Paul, MBE, R Air Force. Scaplehorn, W Cdr Edward John, R Air Force.
Member (MBE)
Berry, Sq Ldr Peter Wilcock, R Air Force. Braun, Flt Lt Simon Peter, R Air Force. Eaton, Cpl Robert Leslie, R Air Force. Gall, Sgt John William, R Air Force. Gilbert, Sq Ldr Roger Leslie, R Air Force. Hackett, Flt Lt Peter Lawrence, R Air Force. Harrigan, Chief Technician David Anthony, R Air Force. Harris, F Sgt Michael John, R Air Force. Heslin, Sq Ldr Terence, R Air Force. Hill, Flt Lt John James, R Air Force. Hughes, WO Stephen, B.E.M, R Air Force. Hume, F Sgt David Allan, R Air Force. Jeffrey, Sgt William, R Air Force. Jenkins, Sgt Andrew, R Air Force. Mackie, WO John Pollock, R Air Force. Pearson, F Sgt Robert Philip, R Air Force. Pickett, Cpl David, R Air Force. Rees, WO David Aubrey, B E.M., R Air Force. Ryles, Flt Lt Shaun Michael, R Air Force. Skelton, WO Martyn, R Air Force. Steel, Sq Ldr Damian John, R Air Force. Stevens, WO Peter, B E.M., R Air Force. Welton, F Sgt John Stuart, R Air Force. Wheeler, WO Brian, BEM, R Air Force. Young, Chief Technician John, R Air Force.
Queen's Police Medal
Bishop, Dennis Proctor, Constable, Greater Manchester Police. Burdis, Michael, Detective ch Superintendent, South Yorkshire Police. Croll, Duncan Nigel, Cdr, Met Pol. Cullum, John Stanley Charles, Assistant ch Constable, Suffolk Constabulary. Drummond, Eric Richard, Chief insp, Tayside Police. Goldsmith, Alan, Dep ch Constable, Lincolnshire Police. Hamilton, James William, Detective ch Superintendent, R Ulster Constabulary. . Hart, James Maurice, Assistant commr, City of London Police. Kearney, Eugene Silveraus, Superintendent, R Ulster Constabulary. Lloyd, Thomas Carl, Cdr, Met Pol. May, Francis Andrew, Lately Dep ch Constable, Dorset Police. Murphy, Wilfred Maurice, Superintendent, R Ulster Constabulary. Morrison, Thomas, Chief Superintendent, Thames Valley Police. Packham, Robert Dallas, Dep dir gen, National Crime Squad. Russell, George Gilchrist, Lately Superintendent, Met Pol. Semple, Michael Brendan, Detective Superintendent, Merseyside Police. Seville, Terry Martin, Superintendent, Gloucestershire Constabulary. Stevens, David Frederick, Ch Const, Essex Police. Strevens, Barry William, Lately Detective ch insp, Met Pol. Waldren, Michael John, Superintendent, Met Pol. Whittle, Anthony Melvyn, Lately Detective Superintendent, West Yorkshire Police. Williams, John, Constable, Norfolk Constabulary Wilson, Peter Mowat, Dep ch Constable, Grampian Police. Queen's Fire Service Medal
Queen's Fire Service Medal
Anderson, Hugh Alastair, Retained Sub-Offr, Fife Fire and Rescue Service. Dixon, Barry, Assistant ch Fire Offr, Greater Manchester Cnty Fire Service. Dominy, Ian Christopher, Assistant ch Fire Offr, Dorset Fire and Rescue Service. Kennedy, Gordon George, Assistant Firemast, Grampian Fire Brigade. Norton, Michael James, Station Offr, West Midlands Fire Service. Ratcliffe, Kenneth Peter, Divisional Offr III, Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service. Spence, Kenneth Hugh, Station Offr, Belfast Fire Brigade. Thompson, Graham Thomas, Dep ch Fire Offr, Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service.
Queen's Volunteer Reserves Medal
Kinsella, Cdr Kevin John, RD*, R Naval Reserve.
Abernethy, WO Class 1 James Graeme Campbell, The Highlanders, Territorial Army. Beacom, Lt Col Nigel Crawford, TD, R Corps of Signals, Territorial Army. Dempsey, Sgt Thomas James Cherry, Corps of R Engineers, Territorial Army. Owen, Maj Joseph, TD, Adjutant Gens Corps, Territorial Army.
Kemp, W Cdr Robert Gordon, A.E., R Auxilliary Air Force. McQueen, W Cdr William Robert, MBE, A.E., R Air Force Reserve.
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