Presidential crisis: The President's Statement
WHEN I was alone with Ms Lewinsky on certain occasions in early 1996, and once in early 1997, I engaged in conduct that was wrong. These encounters did not consist of sexual intercourse. They did not constitute sexual relations, as I understood that term to be defined at my 17 January 1998 deposition.
But they did involve inappropriate, intimate contact. These inappropriate encounters ended at my insistence in early 1997. I also had occasional telephone conversations with Ms Lewinsky that included inappropriate sexual banter.
I regret that what began as a friendship came to include this conduct.
And I take full responsibility for my actions. While I will provide the grand jury whatever other information I can, because of privacy considerations affecting my family, myself and others, and in an effort to preserve the dignity of the office I hold, this is all I will say about the specifics of these particular matters.
I will try to answer to the best of my ability other questions ... about my relationship with Ms Lewinsky, questions about my understanding of the term of sexual relations, as I understood it to be defined ... and questions concerning alleged subordination of perjury, obstruction of justice and intimidation of witnesses.
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