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Watermen and Lightermen's Company

Friday 29 July 1994 23:02 BST

The following have been elected officers of the Company of Watermen and Lightermen for the ensuing year:

Master, Mr Julian K. Badcock; Senior Warden, Mr D. Allen; Junior Wardens, Capt P. Malcolm Edge, Mr JC Jenkinson, Mr CJ Livett.



The following have been elected officers of the Worshipful Company of Launderers for the ensuing year:

Master, Mr Brian St John Mowbray; Deputy Master, Mr James G. Crisp; Senior Warden, Mr James IS Fox; Renter Warden, Mr David R. Browne.

Tallow Chandlers'


The following have been elected officers of the Tallow Chandlers' Company for the ensuing year:

Master, Professor PG Moore; Deputy Master, Mr DG Milne; First Warden, Mr MML Sutcliffe; Second Warden, Mr CA Holborow; Third Warden, Mr JBN Kurkjian; Fourth Warden, Mr RAB Nicolle.

Stationers' and

Newspaper Makers'


The following have been elected officers of the Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers for the ensuing year:

Master, RK Haselden; Upper Warden, AB Brooker; Under Warden, RF Fullick.

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