Watch Donald Trump’s most controversial moments during his presidential campaign

The Republican presidential frontrunner has received a barrage of criticism following his proposal to ban all Muslims travelling to the United States.

Ryan Ramgobin
Wednesday 09 December 2015 17:20 GMT
Donald Trump on the issues

It has been an eventful six months since Donald Trump announced his candidacy to become the next President of the United States and to “make America great again”.

The tone was set in his announcement speech when Mr Trump said: “I will build a great, great wall on our southern border and have Mexico pay for that wall… mark my words.”

“There not sending their best… They’re sending people who have lots of problems. And they’re bringing their problems to us. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists and some I assume are good people.”

The refugee crisis which received worldwide attention in autumn saw Mr Trump tell Syrian refugees that if he was President they will be sent back.

The latest controversy came on Monday when Mr Trump stated: “We need a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States while we figure out what the hell is going on.”

His comments have been met with widespread criticism with 200,000 people signing a petition to block Mr Trump from entering the United Kingdom.

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