US-UK Fulbright Commission
The US-UK Fulbright Commission has announced the following awards for study in the US in 1993-94 to the following British graduate students:
A. Baker (Cambridge), University of Miami, Marine Biology; C. Bartram (Cambridge), Harvard University, Architecture and Design; O. Blackburn (Oxford), New York University, Film; J. Calvert (St Andrew's and Oxford), Harvard University, School of Public Health, Tropical Public Health; J. Cossar (Cambridge), Memphis State University, Sociology/Philosophy; D. Crowdy (Cambridge), California Institute of Technology, Applied Mathematics; Penny Edwards (London and Oxford), Cornell University, International Relations; M. Frame (London and Cranfield Institute of Technology), University of Maryland, Hypersonic Aerodynamics; R. George (Oxford), University of Pennsylvania, US History; E. Howells (Bristol and Oxford), University of Chicago, Western Medieval Mysticism; T. Hulbert (Imperial College, London), Stanford University, Environmental Engineering; S. Laverty (Ulster), University of Massachusetts, Economic Development; T. Marchant (Witwatersrand and London), Yale University, American Studies; R. McMillan (Edinburgh), Yale University, Law/Economics; K. Mehta (Cambridge), University of Chicago, Law; T. Murray (London), New York University, Afro-American Lit; J. Muston (Oxford), Ohio University, US Foreign Policy; S. O'Brien (Guildhall School), University of Southern California, Cello; D. Pinner (Cambridge), University of California, Berkeley, Physics; J. Poole (London and Korea), University of Hawaii, Korean Literature; S. Tuck (Cambridge), Emory University, Atlanta, History of Civil Rights; P. Thompson (Oxford) University of California, Los Angeles, Cognitive Science.
Fulbright British-American Chamber of Commerce Mander Award and Fulbright Wharton Fellowship: T. Brooker (Edinburgh), Wharton School, Pennsylvania, Business Administration.
Fulbright Cancer Award: C. Bacon (Sheffield), National Cancer Institute, Cancer Research.
Fulbright Endowment Awards: A. Nicholls (London), The Juilliard School, Music, harp; Felicity Paxton (East Anglia), University of Pennsylvania, American Studies.
Fulbright-United Airlines Travel Awards: T. Bawden (Leeds), University of California, Berkeley, English/ Art History; D. Bloom (Leeds), University of California, Berkeley, English Lit; J. Buchanan (Bristol and Oxford), University of Rochester, Film; M. Chait (Cape Town, London and Oxford), East-West Center, Hawaii, International Relations; J. Chalcraft (Cambridge) Harvard University, Political Science; S. Currell (Sussex), University of Maryland, US Lit; D. Riding (Leeds and Birmingham), University of California, Berkeley, History of Art; M. Robb (Durham and London), Princeton University, Eastern European Studies.
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