Sylvester Stallone's latest acting roll is for Warburtons bread adverts

The hard-man actor is to be the new face of the bread company, and even has his own stunt double. 

Helen Nianias
Friday 23 January 2015 14:25 GMT
Sly will be the new face of Warburtons
Sly will be the new face of Warburtons (Jeff Moore)

Sylvester Stallone is set to make a packet of dough in his new role in a series of Warburtons adverts.

It's been reported that the hard-man actor has done a spot of filming in the UK this week for the commercials, which apparently parody the iconic Rocky series.

Sly will play on his tough-guy image in the ads
Sly will play on his tough-guy image in the ads (Gary Salter)

Stallone is even due make an appearance to do a spot of baking at the bread factory in Wakefield, Yorkshire, and has apparently hired a stunt double who worked alongside him on The Expendables.

Sly is set to run up a flight of steps while holding a loaf of bread in each hand, The Sun reports.

A source told the paper: "The bosses at Warburtons have signed a real top-drawer name in Stallone. Sly doesn’t come cheap and he isn’t an obvious choice to promote bread — but he is bound to get people talking.

"They’re sure the investment will be worth it."

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