Seth Meyers: The world has gone insane since Donald Trump appointed Steve Bannon
'You know the world has gone insane when Glenn Beck and Bernie Sanders are on the same page,' says Meyers

The appointment of Steve Bannon to the White House has raised arm hairs among many. The “alt-right” media mogul, who has previously labelled liberal women a “bunch of dykes”, has been appointed as a senior advisor to Donald Trump.
Prior to Mr Trump’s victory, it is fair to say Bannon, who was the Republican's campaign manager, would have been unlikely to find himself beneath the bright white pillars of the White House. But it seems the former executive chairman of Breitbart News - a news site which was overtly pro-Trump during the election and which Bannon has described as “the platform for the alt-right” - has been reimbursed for his role as campaign manager.
To the delight of some white supremacists - he is now set to become a Washington insider.
For Seth Meyers, the appointment of Bannon is symptomatic of the fact the world has “gone insane” since the President-elect’s victory. The comedian, who hosts late-night talk show Late Night with Seth Meyers, argued the fact Glenn Beck and Bernie Sanders were now on the same page over Bannon’s appointment was testimony to the madness America had descended into.
As ideologically dissimilar as chalk and cheese, Beck is an American TV personality and Conservative political commentator while Sanders is an ardently left-wing Democratic socialist. Until now, they occupied polar opposite sides of the mainstream political sphere.
“You know the world has gone insane when Glenn Beck and Bernie Sanders are on the same page,” Meyers declared on Tuesday night.
“For them to be on the same page the book has to be one page long".
The screen then cut to an image of a book page which read “Chapter 1 We’re all F#@!ed. The End”.
In the show, Meyers also suggested Mr Trump had “back-pedalled” on some of his most significant campaign promises since his win - such as the fact he is now saying he is open to some parts of the Mexican wall being a “fence” and the fact he is less interested in making Mexico pay for the wall. Meyers rebuked the suggestion his promises were a “great campaign device”.
“A campaign device, or in layman’s terms, a fucking lie,” Meyers said. “Hey, honey, now that we’re married I’m not going to give you a beautiful house and the three children after all. That was an engagement device.”
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