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Schools: Marlborough College

Tuesday 01 September 1992 23:02 BST

The Michaelmas Term begins today at Marlborough College. Mr PJ Butler has succeeded Mr DC Hobson as Chairman of the College Council. Mr Peter Brooke MP becomes a new member of the Council. Mr EJ Worlidge becomes Chairman of the Council's Finance Committee. Mr Tony Foley succeeds Mr Brian Williams as Housemaster of Summerfield, and Mrs Julie McNamara succeeds Miss Janet Limrick as Housemistress of Morris House. Mr Alan McKnight becomes Head of Biology and Mr David Smith Head of General Studies. Mr Vincent Stokes joins as Head of Art. Other new members of staff are Miss Louise Playfair (Classics), Mr Richard Williams (Geography) and Mlle Laurence Pache (French assistante).

Bronte Flecker (New Court) is Senior Prefect, Giles Haycock (Littlefield) Captain of School, and Jenny Gauge (Elmhurst) Captain of Girls' Hockey.

Reunion day, for Old Marlburians at the College between 1960 and 1969, will be held on 10 October and the Marlburian Club Annual Dinner is on 18 November. The school play will be The Taming of the Shrew, and will be held on 20, 21 and 22 November. The Scholarship examinations for boys and girls wishing to enter the Sixth Form in September 1993 will be on 23 and 24 November, and the closing date for entries is 1 October. Exeat is from 24 October to 8 November, and term ends on Thursday 17 December.

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