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Sam Pepper: Second YouTube prank video this time showing woman 'indecently assaulting' men on the street taken down

YouTube prankster’s second of three videos fails spectacularly to level the gender equality playing field

Jenn Selby
Wednesday 24 September 2014 09:02 BST

Seemingly unaffected by "all the heat" he received on Twitter for posting one video depicting him pinching the bottoms of random female members of the public after tricking them with a prosthetic hand, YouTube prankster Sam Pepper has posted a second one.

In a strange, misfired attempt to level the gender equality playing field, Part 2/3 of the ‘Fake Hand Ass Pinch Prank’ shows a female actress taking to the streets to grab the behinds of strange men.

"Are you thinking yet?" the former Big Brother contestant, 25, tweeted, posting a link to the new clip.

The video appeared online just hours after YouTube removed the first for violating its ‘terms of service’.

Pepper had received a backlash of disparaging tweets from followers on Twitter for the original video, who criticised Pepper’s morality and accused him of ‘indecent assault’. The hashtag #ReportSamPepper quickly started trending.

And the reaction to the second video was no less damning, judging by the following:

The second video was also taken down by YouTube for violating its ‘terms of service’. Pepper is yet to indicate when he plans to release the third – or indeed what viewers are to expect from it.

Meanwhile, Mazzi Maz, Pepper’s frequent YouTube collaborator, told Radio One’s Newsbeat that he felt his partner had gone "too far" this time.

"When I saw it, I called him straight away and was like,'Bro, are you feeling OK?'

"It's a controversial video. What does he expect?

Sam Pepper's first video showed him appearing to pinch the bottoms of random female members of the public
Sam Pepper's first video showed him appearing to pinch the bottoms of random female members of the public

"There are things you just don't do. YouTube is a place where you can get ripped to shreds."

"We are meant to push the boundaries but you need to know what's right and what's wrong," he continued, noting that the majority of Pepper's 2.4million YouTube subscribers are young women.

"A sexual predator isn't a good look.

"I woke up this morning and wondered if my mum wants to talk to his mum to see if we should still be friends.

"I'm now worried I'll be linked to him. I need to message people to make sure they know we are not the same person.

"I don't want the whole world thinking I am a sexual predator. I like tea and cheese!"

A spokesperson for Pepper is yet to respond to request for comment.

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