Royal Geographical Society
The following appointments and awards have been announced by the Royal Geographical Society:
Honorary Member: The Princess Royal. Special Medal: The Geographical Association (for a century of contributions to the teaching of geography). Honorary Vice-President: Lord Chorley. Royal Medals: FOUNDER'S: Professor Kenneth Gregory, Warden of Goldsmiths' College, London (for contributions to hydrology and geomorphology). PATRON'S: Col John Blashford-Snell, Chairman of the Scientific Exploration Society and instigator of Operation Raleigh (for encouragement of exploration by young people). Victoria Medal: Professor Norman Graves, ex-Institute of Education, London University (for contributions to geographical education). Busk Medal: Dr John Sheail, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Monks Wood (for contributions to study of the natural history of British landscape). Cherry Kearton Medal and Award: Douglas Allan (for filming of flora and fauna, particularly underwater in Antarctica). Murchison Award: Professor Paul Claval, University of Paris I (for contributions to the philosophical and scientific history of geography). Back Award: Dr Linda Newson, King's College, London (for contributions to the historical geography of Latin America). Cuthbert Peek Award: Dr Sheila Ross, Bristol University (for contributions to soil geomorphology). Gill Memorial Award: Dr Ian Ashwell, ex-British Schools' Exploring Society (for encouragement of youth expeditions). Ness Award: Michael Asher (for desert expeditions and work with camels). Edward Heath Award: Dr John Salt, University College London (for contributions to population geography and migration in Europe). Geographical Award: Rio Tinto Zinc (RTZ) (for support and encouragement of expeditions). Alfred Steers Dissertation Prize: Tim Coles, Exeter University.
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