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You ask the questions

(Such as: Alan McGee, do the Gallagher brothers reallyhate each other as much as the media makes out?)

Wednesday 26 July 2000 00:00 BST

Alan McGee was born in Glasgow in 1960. He left school at 16 and had a variety of jobs before setting up Creation record company in 1983, and signing the Pastels, The Jesus and Mary Chain and Oasis - who McGee spotted in 1993 playing in a pub in Glasgow. A staunch Blair supporter, McGee was one of a select few invited to a party at Downing Street during the height of the "cool Britannia" hype. He was also a member of Blair's "creative task force" alongside Paul Smith, Richard Branson and Lord Alli. After making substantial donations to the Labour Party, however, McGee became disillusioned with the Government, publicly withdrew his support, and in London's mayoral race backed Malcolm McLaren. He closed Creation in July this year in order to start Poptones, a new record company which plans to branch out into film and the internet. McGee lives in north London with his wife.

Alan McGee was born in Glasgow in 1960. He left school at 16 and had a variety of jobs before setting up Creation record company in 1983, and signing the Pastels, The Jesus and Mary Chain and Oasis - who McGee spotted in 1993 playing in a pub in Glasgow. A staunch Blair supporter, McGee was one of a select few invited to a party at Downing Street during the height of the "cool Britannia" hype. He was also a member of Blair's "creative task force" alongside Paul Smith, Richard Branson and Lord Alli. After making substantial donations to the Labour Party, however, McGee became disillusioned with the Government, publicly withdrew his support, and in London's mayoral race backed Malcolm McLaren. He closed Creation in July this year in order to start Poptones, a new record company which plans to branch out into film and the internet. McGee lives in north London with his wife.

What is the best idea you had that the Government then ignored? T Grice, London Naltrexone implants for heroin addicts. The Government looked at me blankly and ignored any advice I had to do with drug addiction - and instead asked me to pose for photographs with Chris Smith. I hate the idea that drug addicts are scum. They're people who have an illness, so we can't lock them up - we've got to try and help them. I'm a complete libertarian where drugs are concerned. I think all drugs should be legalised - cut out the criminality and you help regulate the problem. It's so widespread that legalisation is the only way to control it. I don't think Keith Hellawell, the "drugs tsar", knows what he's doing, he's so out of touch. It's ironic, but I think the police are more in tune with what's going on than the Government.

Who would you have in your all-time Glasgow Rangers team? And where should that team play in the future? Neil Rutherford, Glasgow Ally McCoist, Sandy Jardine, Davie Robertson, Davie Cooper, Derek Johnson, Peter McCloy, John Greig, Willie Waddell, Colin Stein, Willie Johnston, Jorg Albertz, Michael Mols. Where should they play? In the afterlife.

Do you really believe that brothels should be legalised? Alli Waugh, Manchester Yes. Most men at some point in their life have visited them, though they lie about it. I certainly did around 1992-93. But the thing about prostitutes is that most are nice people and I think they get a rotten deal. It's something I grew out of - but at 2am walking round on a load of cocaine it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Do you ever get tempted to use drugs again? And what is your opinion of the recent heroin deaths in Glasgow? T Backhouse, Cheshire I have been clean for about six years. I think I've grown out of wanting to be off my head. But basically I'm appalled with people's take on the drug problems in Glasgow. If 50 people in one area had died of CJD it would have been a national crisis - but because it's heroin and because it's self-inflicted people don't care. People think addicts deserve it, and they don't.

Where has the Labour Party gone wrong? Simon Bishop, Tunbridge Wells Where do I start? Tuition fees, the National Health Service, Millbank, spin doctors, style over substance, being open to be sued under the trade descriptions act by calling themselves the "labour" party. Can I have a refund?

Of Oasis and Blur, which band will still be remembered in 2020? D Simpson, Cambridge Both, because they both do different things. Oasis's first two albums are classics, while Blur are a really good singles group. I think ultimately Oasis benefited from the rivalry between the two - because, before Damon decided to release his record in the same week and go head to head with us, Blur had sold a lot more records. But after the war Oasis sold 15 million more records than they did.

Do the Gallaghers really hate each other as much as the media makes out? And have they split for good? K Morrison, by e-mail The Gallaghers love each other, and I've no idea if the split is for good. Only time will tell. I do think their first two albums are a lot better than the last two - but if they did split up it would be very sad.

Of all the bands you discovered, which do you think was the greatest? Keith McEllis, Sheen My Bloody Valentine. Kevin Shields is the Stravinsky of his generation - a natural born genius. He is the most talented artist I've ever worked with and genuinely 100 per cent mad. He's playing with Primal Scream now and refuses to make another My Bloody Valentine record.

Why did you close Creation? Was it sad or acrimonious? Jeremy McCausland, Cambridge It wasn't sad and it wasn't acrimonious. I just got fed up dealing with corporate politics. You can shut your mouth and take the cheque or you can reclaim your soul and go off and make music again.

Is it true Poptones have signed a "Mexican Elvis"? Barnie Matthews, Preston, Lancs We have signed a Mexican, homosexual, communist Elvis impersonator and he's wonderful. His record is a glorious two-fingers to the music industry.

Do you really think Malcolm McLaren would have been a good mayor? E Chong, by e-mail Malcolm McLaren would have been an absolutely terrible mayor. I would have had to leave the country if he had got in - the whole thing was situationism and I enjoyed every last bit of it. But I think Ken Livingstone is possibly an incredibly useless Mayor. The one great thing about him is that he demonstrated how fed up people are with the corporate politics of the two main parties, and how we're swinging back to politics based on individual rights - look at Reclaim the Streets.

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