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The 5-minute Interview: Michael Ball, Actor, singer and television presenter

'I was surprised to be offered my own slot at the Proms'

Saturday 24 November 2007 01:00 GMT

Michael Ball , 45, has been in countless West End musicals and represented Britain in the 1992 Eurovision Song Contest. He is currently at the Shaftesbury Theatre in London, playing Edna Turnblad in 'Hairspray'. His new album, 'Michael Ball – Back To Bacharach', is out now.

If I weren't talking to you right now I'd be ...

Lying on the sofa, catching up with Heroes or one of the other programmes I've been missing out on lately.

A phrase I use too often ...

"Don't worry, I can do that for you."

I wish people would take more notice of ...

Traffic regulations.

The most surprising thing to happen to me was ...

Being offered my own slot at the Royal Albert Hall proms season in 2007.

A common misperception of me is ...

That I'm always cheerful. In fact, I'm just like everyone else. I have my down days sometimes too.

I am not a politician but ...

If I were, I would realise the war in Iraq should have never happened and that we should get out as soon as possible.

I'm good at ...

Cooking. I absolutely love it. My speciality is a really nice Christmas dinner. It's definitely my favourite.

I'm very bad at ...

Cleaning up all the mess after I've cooked my Christmas dinner! I make loads of mess and always expect other people to wash and clean up – mainly because I cooked the meal.

You know me as a singer and performer but in truer life I'd have been ...

Incredibly lazy. I'm lucky to be do something I love.

In weak moments I ...

Eat too much chocolate. Now I've given up smoking – it's been nine months now – I eat loads of chocolate. In really big chunks.

The best age to be is ...

Mentally, the age I am now but, physically, you are best in your teens.

The ideal night out is ...

Because I spend most of my nights at the theatre, my ideal night is going out with colleagues or friends who've come to see the show. We'd just have loads of fun drinking, eating and laughing too much.

In a nutshell, my philosophy is this ...

To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.

Tiffany Maria Joseph

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