Credo: Ruth Badger
The bullish saleswoman extraordinaire from Wolverhampton became a national hero after giving Alan Sugar a run for his money on 'The Apprentice'
I believe in God. I went to a Catholic school and I don't go to bed until I've said my prayers every night.
I believe everything happens for a reason, and that makes me more confident with my decision-making. Whatever happens, you'll learn from it.
I believe I had the best upbringing it is possible to have. I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but my parents were rock solid behind me.
I believe leaving school at 16 was the right thing for me. I believe people shouldn't look down on me because I can't spell the word entrepreneur.
I believe cooking together as a family is a great thing to do. Ready meals are bad for you in so many ways.
I believe you should always under-promise and over-deliver. If I ask for a pound, but then give you 20 pence back, you're my customer for life.
I believe the questions that sound irrelevant can be worth asking. I often ask people, "How was your journey?" If they say, "A nightmare! Took me an hour!" it means they'll always be late. They're not going to get a job with me.
I believe swearing and shouting is a weakness.
Once I swore on The Apprentice and I called my nan to apologise.
I believe optimism is the only option.
I believe what Gordon Brown is doing for enterprise is good. Programmes such as The Apprentice and The Big Idea are proof that we are inspiring kids to be entrepreneurs, not Wags or singers.
I believe five minutes is a long time. Six minutes extra in bed in the morning is amazing. An hour is a lifetime. Look at it that way and you can get a lot done.
I don't believe Sir Alan Sugar is God. I respect him but I don't believe God swears that much.
I do believe in marriage. I believe it helps people stay together. I would have walked away from my relationship a lot sooner if we weren't married. But given he sold stories about me to the News of the World it was better we parted in the end.
I believe a suit is the right thing for a businesswoman to wear, not a floaty dress.
I believe Mrs Thatcher was a very good figurehead, and the day she left power it was all over for the Conservatives.
I believe multiculturalism brings a lot of benefits and helps grow society.
I believe a work-life balance is good for some people, but I've worked a 17-hour day for months and if you look at most successful people that's what they do.
Interview by Hermione Eyre. Ruth Badger appears in 'The Big Idea'. The final is next Saturday at 9pm on Sky One
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