Stella Vine used the Sunday newspapers to fire a broadside at the paymasters of the art circuit.
In an interview with The Observer, the modish painter accused galleries of mistreating talented young artists.
"Any time with any gallery I've been offered total representation, and I've gone, oh yeah OK, it's all gone pear-shaped because they simply weren't good enough," she said. "The art world's exactly the same as the sex industry: you have to be completely on guard [otherwise] you'll get shafted."
Vine didn't name any galleries. But her comments have caused a stir in the art world.
Last year, Pandora told how she'd met Mayfair gallery owner Tim Jefferies via George Michael's boyfriend, Kenny Goss. She adopted Jefferies as her sole agent and "muse", only to part company with him a few months later. But it sounds like she's fallen out of love with the art world generally.
More bad Karma?
The decision to brand David Cameron a "chameleon" is becoming Labour's worst PR blunder since they compared Michael Howard to a flying piggy.
Boy George has joined those baffled by the ad after learning his 1980s' hit "Karma Chameleon" is used as its theme tune.
Although George has been hired to DJ at Labour conferences in the past, he's got an ambivalent attitude to Tony Blair's recent track record.
Recent events in New York also make him a political hot potato. He was arrested there for cocaine possession in October, but escaped conviction after joining a drug rehabilitation programme.
"We've heard nothing about Labour using the tune," says his spokesman. "Normally you would need permission. I'd better check to see if they've got it."
An inside job
Back in the day, Jonathan Aitken used to dole out some of the smartest party invitations in all London.
Since his fall from grace, spell in prison, and subsequent, inevitable, discovery of God, standards appear to have slipped.
An invite to the launch of the former MP's book Heroes and Contemporaries - notes on some of the famous people he's met - lands on Pandora's doormat.
Printed on stiff cardboard, it asks me to attend a champagne-fuelled bash next month hosted by Mr Jonathan "Aiken".
The publishers Continuum are understood to have taken responsibility for the howler, but Aitken is yet to offer Christian forgiveness.
"I don't know about sword of truth; someone out there could use a dictionary of spelling," chunters a chum.
Window dressing
Another day, another "confidential" e-mail jollifies the inbox of Labour's backbench drones.
Sent by one Caroline Adams, from Labour HQ, it brings important instructions regarding the forthcoming local election campaign.
"For those MPs with flats in London, the PLP office has available VOTE LABOUR posters to put up in your window," it reads. "Please come along to our office in the West Cloister to pick one up."
The e-mail has so far met with a mixed response. "This smacks of desperation," grumbles one recipient. "And what about the poor old taxpayers who pay for MPs' accommodation? Will they be happy to subsidise this petty electioneering?"
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