Bill Murray’s Harold Ramis tribute gets one of the biggest cheers at the Oscars 2014

The Ghostbusters star went off-script to pay tribute to the late comedy director

Jenn Selby
Monday 03 March 2014 06:33 GMT

Usually, going off-script at the Oscars is a big awards show no-no.

But no-one batted an eyelid when Bill Murray veered off-piste before announcing the nominees for Best Cinematography with co-host Amy Adams.

"Oh, we forgot one,” Murray said, after reeling off a list that included Gravity, The Grandmaster, Inside Llewyn Davis, Nebraska and Prisoners. "Harold Ramis, for Caddyshack,Ghostbusters and Groundhog Day."

The shout-out to the late comedy star, who died last week aged 69, was well-received.

"Please forgive me gentlemen, the 2013 Oscar for the Best Cinematography in a major motion picture is going to go home with..." he continued, so caught up in the emotion of it all that he got the year wrong when he presented the Oscar to Emmanuel Lubezki for Gravity.

The Academy Awards marked the second time the Ghostbusters star had paid tribute to Ramis.

Last week, Murray told Time magazine:

"Harold Ramis and I together did the National Lampoon Show together off Broadway, Meatball, Stripes, Caddyshack, Ghostbusters and Groundhog Day," he said in a statement to Time magazine.

"He earned his keep on this planet. God bless him."

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