Lindsay Lohan hits back at Jennifer Lawrence following talk show comments by suggesting she reads Maya Angelou

The Mean Girls actress quoted 'Still I Rise'

Olivia Blair
Wednesday 16 December 2015 11:20 GMT
Lohan recommended Lawrence read the famous poet
Lohan recommended Lawrence read the famous poet (Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images)

Lindsay Lohan has suggested Jennifer Lawrence adopt the mantra of Maya Angelou after she appeared to make light of Lohan’s past use of drugs and alcohol.

Appearing on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Lawrence discussed her busy schedule and how she often pushes herself to the point of illness.

“I just keep going until my body’s like ‘if we don’t make her barf of pass out she won’t stop'.

“I get like Lindsay Lohan grade exhaustion but without any drugs or alcohol. I’m always in bed early. I’m still tired.”

Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence

Lohan’s younger sister Aliana, 21, who is a model and actress took to Twitter to criticise Lawrence’s comparison, saying she stands by her family and that the Hunger Games actress’s words were “not cool”.

Lohan responded thanking her sister for her support and suggesting “maybe who you’re referring to should learn to support others like Maya Angelou”, attaching an image quoting lines from Angelou’s famous poem Still I Rise.

The 29-year-old had a well-documented ‘party lifestyle’ in her early twenties. The incident which first caught the media’s attention was when a studio executive criticised the actress for being unreliable on set, saying “we are well aware that your ongoing all night heavy partying is the real reason for your so-called ‘exhaustion’.”

Lindsay Lohan opens up about rehab

Following the incident Lohan was arrested on a string of charges including drink driving and possession of cocaine. She was on probation for roughly eight years and completed very short jail stints, home arrests and community service hours.

Between 2007 and 2013 she went to rehab six times and in 2013 told Oprah Winfrey she was an addict who in particular struggled with alcoholism.

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